I actually prefer this image of Doc Savage and crew,than the much over done James Bama imatations.Sure,the guy was good-no arguement,but don't any of you so called professional illustrators,comic artist,pencillers,whatever have any original bones in your body ?You guys see a look and repete over and over again,until it become stupid and lazy.
Doc Thompson.

I will never understand why James Bama choose this crew cut hairdo for Doc Savage.Later,it started look an aphro-which some people might have Doc Savage,had Aftric American ancestry-which you the original creators never considered in the 1930's for a hero of a series.Two,I wish Artist,who not adhere to this image too much.It's kinda over done.And it shows lavyness on the part of the artist.
Doc Thompson

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Doc Savage
Doc Savage Magazine #1 (March, 1933)
Publication information
Publisher Street and Smith
First appearance 1933
Created by Lester Dent
Henry Ralston
John Nanovic
In story information
Alter ego Clark Savage, Jr.
Team affiliations Fabulous Five
Notable aliases The Man of Bronze
Abilities Peak physical abilities
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Doc Savage is a fictional character, one of the pulp heroes of the 1930s and 1940s. He was created by writer Lester Dent.
Contents [hide]
1 Overview
2 Appearance
3 The real Doc Savage
4 The Fabulous Five and Pat
5 Publication history
6 Radio
7 Comic books
7.1 Golden Age
7.2 Modern Age
8 Motion picture
9 Cultural references
10 Footnotes
11 References
12 External links
[edit] Overview
Doc Savage Magazine was printed by Street and Smith Publications from March 1933 to the summer of 1949 for a total of 181 issues. All the stories were reprinted by Bantam Books as paperbacks, beginning in the early 1960s. Bantam also published a heretofore-unknown story, The Red Spider, which featured an older and more subdued Doc, more man than superman. However, fans wanted more of the original Doc, so Bantam commissioned an additional eight novels (based on notes or outlines left by series author Lester Dent).
Doc has appeared in comics and a movie, on radio, and as a character in numerous other works, and continues to inspire authors and artists in the adventure and fantasy realms.
The basic concept of a man trained from birth to fight evil was created by Street and Smith Publications executive Henry Ralston and Editor John Nanovic, to further capitalize on the success of their other pulp hero magazine success, The Shadow. Ralston and Nanovic wrote a short premise establishing the broad outlines of the character they envisioned, but Doc Savage was only fully realized by the author chosen to write the series, Lester Dent. Dent wrote most of the 181 original novels, hidden behind the "house name" of Kenneth Robeson. (Will Murray wrote seven of the Savage novels published after Dent's death, also using the Robeson pseudonym.)
Doc Savage, whose real name is Clark Savage, Jr., is a physician, surgeon, scientist, adventurer, inventor, explorer, researcher, and musician — a renaissance man. A team of scientists assembled by his father trained his mind and body to near-superhuman abilities almost from birth, giving him great strength and endurance, a photographic memory, mastery of the martial arts, and vast knowledge of the sciences. Doc is also a master of disguise and an excellent imitator of voices, though he admits to having trouble with women's voices. "He rights wrongs and punishes evildoers." Dent described the hero as a mix of Sherlock Holmes' deductive abilities, Tarzan's outstanding physical abilities, Craig Kennedy's scientific education, and Abraham Lincoln's goodness. Dent described Doc Savage as manifesting "Christliness." Doc's character and world-view is displayed in his oath, which goes as follows[1]:
“ Let me strive every moment of my life to make myself better and better, to the best of my ability, that all may profit by it. Let me think of the right and lend all my assistance to those who need it, with no regard for anything but justice. Let me take what comes with a smile, without loss of courage. Let me be considerate of my country, of my fellow citizens and my associates in everything I say and do. Let me do right to all, and wrong no man. ”
His office is on the 86th floor of a New York City skyscraper, implicitly the Empire State Building, reached by Doc's private high-speed elevator. Doc owns a fleet of cars, trucks, aircraft, and boats which he stores at a secret hangar on the Hudson River, under the name The Hidalgo Trading Company, reached from his office by a pneumatic-tube system called the "flea run." He sometimes retreats to his Fortress of Solitude in the Arctic—which pre-dates Superman's similar hideout of the same name. All of this is paid for with gold from a Central American mine given to him by the local Mayans in the first Doc Savage story. (Doc and his assistants learned the little-known Mayan dialect of this people, allowing them to communicate privately when others might be listening.)
Doc's greatest foe, and the only one to appear in two of the original pulp stories, was the Russian-born John Sunlight. Early villains were bent on ruling the world, but a late change in format had Savage operating more as a private investigator breaking up smaller crime rings. In the last Doc Savage story written by Dent, Up from Earth's Center, Doc Savage fights a character who is believed to be the Devil, in the company of two self-confessed demons.
In early stories some of the criminals captured by Doc received "a delicate brain operation" to cure their criminal tendencies. The criminals returned to society fully productive and unaware of their criminal past. A non-canonical comic book series published in the 1980s states these were actually lobotomies. In the 1975 film Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze, Doc uses acupuncture.
Dent, the series' principal author, had a mixed regard for his own creations. Though usually protective of his creations, he could be derisive of his pulp output. In interviews, he stated that he harbored no illusions of being a high-quality author of literature; for him, the Doc Savage series was simply a job, a way to earn a living by "churning out reams and reams of sellable crap." In Jim Steranko's History of Comics, it was revealed that Dent used a formula to write his Doc Savage stories that had his heroes continually getting in and out of trouble.
Some of the gadgets described in the series became reality, including telephone answering machines, the automatic transmission, night vision goggles, and hand-held automatic weapons.
[edit] Appearance
In the text of the pulp novels Doc Savage is described as a giant but so well proportioned that this is not apparent unless he is standing next to an object that can be used as a reference. Doc's skin is bronzed "by tropical suns", with dark bronze, close-cropped hair and hypnotic gold-flecked eyes. The effect is summed up by his epithet "The Man of Bronze". In fact, in the first issue (The Man of Bronze, March 1933), a sniper observing through a window initially mistakes Doc for a bronze sculpture. His height and weight varied, with later books listing his height as 6 ft 6 in (1.98 m). Doc is usually described as wearing a normal suit but no hat. He wears a special waistcoat underneath his shirt in which he carries an assortment of gadgets.
The covers of the Street and Smith Pulp magazines, initially painted by Walter M. Baumhoffer, depict Doc as an athletic man with a standard hair style of the period (a side parting and wayward lock of hair on the right). He is often shown in various states of dress but a shirt and khaki trousers are common. The look of Doc Savage was based on film actor Gary Cooper.
The covers of the Bantam Books paperback reprints, by illustrator James Bama, depict Doc as a slightly older muscular man with bronze skin and a crew cut with a very pronounced widow's peak. He is usually shown wearing jodhpurs and a partially ripped shirt. Bama based his version of Doc Savage on model/actor Steve Holland.
[edit] The real Doc Savage
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While visiting John L Nanovic, the editor of the Doc Savage magazine, writer-researcher Will Murray learned that Doc Savage may have been, in part, based on a real-life person named Richard Henry Savage (1846–1903). Like his fictional namesake, Savage was a true renaissance man—soldier, engineer, diplomat, lawyer, novelist, civic leader, and war hero.
Richard Henry Savage was born on June 12, 1846, in Utica, New York, the son of Richard Savage and Jane Moorhead Savage (née Ewart). His ancestors were English, Scottish and Irish, and his grandfather, a civil engineer, arrived in America around 1805.
Savage graduated from West Point in 1868 and was commissioned a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. He joined the Egyptian army as a major in 1871. He subsequently served as U.S. vice consul in Marseilles and Rome. On January 2, 1873, he married Anna Josephine Scheible of Berlin, Germany.
Later, Savage served on the Texas-Mexico frontier and as a chief engineer on a railroad in California, retiring in 1884. Following his retirement in 1884, Savage traveled extensively, visiting Turkey, Japan, China, Russia, Asia Minor, Korea, and Honduras.
Returning to the United States in 1891, and a confidant of President Ulysses S. Grant, Savage was given several diplomatic appointments around the world. Savage could talk of all the wild spots in the world that he had visited and had many personal mementos of his strange life.
Savage wrote his first novel, My Official Wife (1891), which proved to be his most famous. Savage wrote over 40 books, including Our Mysterious Passenger and Other Stories (1899), which was published by Street and Smith a year after a 17-year-old Henry W. Ralston, the future co-creator of Doc Savage, joined the firm.
Savage became senior Captain of the 27th U.S. Volunteer Infantry and was appointed Brigadier General and Chief Engineer of Spanish War Veterans in 1900.
After living such an adventurous life, Savage was run over by a horse-drawn wagon while crossing Sixth Avenue in New York City, on October 3, 1903, dying eight days later at the age of 57.
Ralston also created The Avenger a.k.a. Richard Henry Benson.
[edit] The Fabulous Five and Pat
Doc's companions in his adventures (the "Fabulous Five") are:
Industrial chemist Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Blodgett "Monk" Mayfair and his pet pig, Habeas Corpus. Monk got his name from his simian appearance, notably his long arms, and was covered with red hair.
Lawyer Brigadier General Theodore Marley "Ham" Brooks and his pet monkey, Chemistry. Ham (the shyster, as Monk referred to him) got his name after teaching Monk some French swear words to innocently use on a French general. Shortly afterwards, a large joint of ham went missing and turned up among Brooks' things, so he was blamed and got that nickname.
Construction engineer Colonel John "Renny" Renwick. Renny had fists like buckets of gristle and bone and no wooden door could withstand them.
Electrical engineer Major Thomas J. "Long Tom" Roberts. "Long Tom" got his nickname from an incident with a World War I cannon of that nick-name. Long Tom was a sickly-looking character, but fought like a wildcat.
Archaeologist and geologist William Harper "Johnny" Littlejohn. Johnny used long words ("I'll be superamalgamated!" was a favourite saying). Johnny wore a monocle in early adventures (one eye having been blinded in World War I). Doc later performed corrective surgery.
The men were never called the "Fabulous Five" within the novels, only on the back covers of the reprints.
In later stories, a number of the aides were working elsewhere so could not go on adventures, and finally it was just Monk and Ham. There was always banter between the two of them, particularly when a pretty young girl was present and Monk talked of Ham's (fictitious) thirteen half-wit children.
Doc's cousin Patricia "Pat" Savage, who has Doc's bronze skin, eyes and hair, also joins Savage for many of his adventures, despite Doc's best efforts to keep her away from danger. Pat chafes under these restrictions, or indeed any effort to protect her simply because she is female.
[edit] Publication history
See the List of Doc Savage novels for a complete bibliography.
James Bama's covers featuring Steve Holland on many of the Bantam reprints defined the character to a generation of readers.All of the original stories were reprinted in paperback form by Bantam Books in the 1960s through 1990s. About sixty of the paperback covers were painted in extraordinary monochromatic tones by James Bama, whose updated vision of Doc Savage with the exaggerated widow's peak captured, at least symbolically, the essence of the Doc Savage novels. The first 96 paperbacks reprinted one of the original novels per book. Actor and model Steve Holland who had played Flash Gordon in a 1953 television series was the model for Doc on all the covers. The next 15 paperbacks were "doubles," reprinting two novels each (these were actually shorter novelas written during paper shortages of World War II). The last of the original novels were reprinted in a numbered series of 13 "omnibus" volumes of four to five stories each. It was one of the few pulp series to be completely reprinted in paperback form.
The Red Spider was a Doc Savage novel written by Dent in April 1948 about the Cold War with the Soviet Union. The story was killed in 1948 by new editor Daisy Bacon, though previous editor William de Grouchy had commissioned it. It was forgotten until 1975, when Doc Savage scholar Will Murray found hints of its existence. After a two-year search, the manuscript was located among Dent's papers. It finally saw print in July 1979 as Number 95 in Bantam's Doc Savage series (July 1979). Phillip Jose Farmer wrote the book "Doc Savage: An Apocalyptic Life" which summarized the series with the conceit that Doc actually existed and the novels chronicled his exploits.
After the full series was reprinted, Bantam published a new novel from Phillip Jose Farmer, Escape From Loki (1991), which told the story of how Doc met the Five in World War I. Murray produced seven novels from Dent's original outlines. Four more novels were announced, but not published.
The Blackmask eBook and POD website offered large numbers of Doc Savage books for download up to early 2006, when the owner was sued by Conde Nast. The resulting legal case resulted in the long-term and perhaps permanent closure of the site.
There is an active market for used Doc Savage books in all formats, on eBay and elsewhere. There are also dozens of fan pages and discussion groups on the Internet.
Nostalgia Ventures began a new series of Doc reprints (starting November, 2006), featuring two novels per book. Each edition came with a choice of original pulp style or more modern cover and includes essays as introductions and afterwords.
[edit] Radio
Two Doc Savage radio series were broadcast during the pulp era. The first, in 1934, was a 15-minute serial which ran for 26 episodes. The 1943 series was based not on the pulps but on the comic book version of the character. No audio exists from either series, although some scripts survived. In 1985, National Public Radio aired The Adventures of Doc Savage, as 13 half-hour episodes, based on the pulps and adapted by Will Murray and Roger Rittner.
See the List of Doc Savage radio episodes for a complete playlist.
[edit] Comic books
[edit] Golden Age
Doug Wildey's cover for Millennium's Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze shows a Doc that is a cross between the Bama paperback design and the pulp version.Street & Smith published comic book stories of Doc both in the The Shadow comic and his own title. These started with Shadow Comics v1 #1–3 (1940), then moved to Doc Savage Comics. Originally, these stories were based on the pulp version, but with Doc Savage Comics v1 #5 (1941), he was turned into a genuine superhero when he crashed in Tibet and found a mystical gem in a hood. These stories had a Doc who bore little resemblance to the character in the pulps. This lasted through the end of Doc Savage Comics in 1943 after 20 issues, and briefly with his return to Shadow Comics in v3 #10 (Jan 44). It was apparently dropped by his second story. He would last until the end of the Shadow Comic, v9 #5 (1948), but did not appear in every issue. He also appeared in at least one issue of Supersnipe Comics.
[edit] Modern Age
Post-Golden Age, there have been several Doc Savage comic books:
Gold Key Comics (1966, one issue)
Marvel Comics (1970s, both standard comic books and larger, black-and-white magazines)
DC Comics (1987–90) published a title which ran for 24 issues
Millennium Comics published Doc Savage: The Monarch of Armageddon, a four-part limited series from 1991 to 1992. Written by novelist Mark Ellis and penciled by Green Lantern artist Darryl Banks, the Comics Buyer's Guide Catalog of Comic Books refers to their treatment as the one "to come closest to the original, capturing all the action, humanity, and humor of the original novels."
Dark Horse Comics (1995, including a two-issue pairing with the Shadow)
[edit] Motion picture
The cast of Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze (1975)
Ron Ely as Doc Savage (foreground), with (background, left to right) Eldon Quick as Johnny, Darrell Zwerling as Ham, William Lucking as Renny, Michael Miller as Monk, and Paul Gleason as Long TomA campy Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze movie was made in 1975, starring Ron Ely as Doc who confronts smuggler Captain Seas. It was the last film produced by George Pál.
In 1999, there was an announcement that another Doc Savage movie, to feature Arnold Schwarzenegger, was in the works, but it never materialised.[2]
[edit] Cultural references
Lin Carter wrote a series of books featuring Zarkon-Lord of the Unknown, a thinly disguised version of Doc and his companions.
Doc Savage and his brain modification technique are suggested as a possible outcome to the trial in Truman Capote's book In Cold Blood.
In Philip José Farmer's sexually explicit A Feast Unknown (1969), the "Ultimate Nature Man" (Tarzan, called Lord Grandrith) confronts his urban counterpart and younger half-brother (Doc Savage, called Doc Caliban). "Ham" Brooks (called "Porky" Rivers) and "Monk" Mayfair (called "Jocko" Simmons) also appear in the story, which continues in The Mad Goblin and Lord of the Trees. The concluding story in the series has yet to appear.
In his book Doc Savage: His Apocalyptic Life, Farmer lays out Savage's key role in the fictional Wold Newton family, linking Doc to Tarzan and numerous other fictional heroes and villains.
Doc Savage has influenced the creation and development of other fictional heroes, including Superman, Batman and Buckaroo Banzai. Both Alan Moore's Tom Strong and Warren Ellis's Doc Brass are closely modeled on Doc Savage. Sam Beckett from the TV series Quantum Leap also shares many similarities with Savage.
Warren Ellis' Simon Spector one-shot, done for the Apparat Singles Group, is a direct homage to Doc Savage and The Spider.
The animated series The Venture Bros. references Doc in the recurring hallucination/flashbacks that Doctor Thaddeus "Rusty" Venture has about his father, Jonas, who is obviously based on Doc.
The good doctor makes a cameo appearance as a character in the Roger Zelazny novel Roadmarks
Doc has teamed up with The Thing and co-shared an adventure with Spider-Man in a couple of issues of Marvel Comics, during the time Marvel was publishing a Doc comic.
In the original Rocketeer comic book mini-series, a tall, handsome scientist who bears an uncanny resemblance to Doc is the inventor of Cliff Secord's rocket pack. In the novelization of The Rocketeer movie by Peter David, the characters speculate that perhaps Doc Savage invented the rocketpack and his boys ("probably Ham and Monk") are due to come any moment. However in the Rocketeer movie, the inventor was changed from Doc to Howard Hughes.
A character resembling a young Doc Savage named Doctor Francis Ardan (or Hardant) was created by writer Guy d'Armen for his novel La Cité de l'Or et de la Lèpre serialized in the French magazine Science et Voyages Nos. 453 (May 1928) to 479 (November 1928). This novel was translated in 2004 under the title Doc Ardan: City of Gold and Lepers by Randy and Jean-Marc Lofficier and published by Black Coat Press. Doc Ardan has also appeared in several stories written for the anthology Tales of the Shadowmen.
A pair of fantasy novels by Aaron Allston, titled Doc Sidhe (1995) and Sidhe-Devil (2001), focus on the exploits of a "Doc Sidhe" and his "Sidhe Foundation" in a parallel world which links to our own current world, containing humans, elves, dwarves, etc. in a 1930-ish technological setting. The title character, his surroundings, environment, and exploits, and the writing style of the novels are all modeled after and pay homage to the original Doc Savage series.
A now aged "Senator Ted Brooks" appears in the comic book Liberty Girl, about a World War II-era superheroine who reappears in the current times. A unidentified picture is shown of Doc and his associates, and there may be a connection between the bronze Liberty Girl (real name Elena Hunter) and Doc, most likely she being his daughter.
The Bernice Summerfield novel Down by Lawrence Miles features a 24th century "pulpzine" character named Mr Misnomer, whose tagline is "The Man of Chrome".
The song "Dial a Hitman" from the Big Audio Dynamite album "No. 10 Upping St." contains the line: "At the Continental, Doc Savage pays the bill."
In issue #10 of Paul the Samurai, The Tick demonstrates his allegiance to Crime Cannibal by saying, "We're good guys! If you don't believe it, check out this Doc Savage shirt ripping action!" while tearing off his T-shirt.
AM Radio personality and conservative talk show host Michael Weiner uses the pseudonym "Doctor Michael Savage" to present his broadcast. In some respects his radio persona may be patterned after the popular notions of Doc Savage, such as scholarly studies, world travels and perceived status as a freedom fighter and Renaissance man.
In the first issue of Warren Ellis' Wildstorm comic Planetary, a character in jodhpurs and safari shirt named Doc Brass (formerly mentioned) and his five aides who suspiciously resemble Tarzan, The Shadow, and Fu Manchu, fight off an invasion from an alternative reality. In this story Doc Brass goes up against an alternative universes' Justice League destroying them to save the earth with only Doc as the survivor guarding the rift until he is found almost 70 years later. In later issues an alternative book history is given in pulp form. The main characters all relating with certain abilities due to their birth date, January 1, 1900.
Doc Savage is mentioned in Michael Chabon's Pulitzer Prize-winning 2001 book The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay.
Lester Dent, the writer of Doc Savage, is a protagonist in The Chinatown Death Cloud Peril, a 2007 novel by Paul Malmont.
The tanned giant Max Thunderstone hopes to use his amazing wealth and team of crack therapists and lawyers to free all humanity from oppression through a better understanding of applied neurology.
[edit] Footnotes
^ How I met Doc Savage. Micah Wright. Retrieved on 2007-05-22.
^ Doc Savage. Mania's Development Hell. Retrieved on 2007-05-22.
[edit] References
Doc Savage Organized
Doc Savage Information
Doc Savage:The Supreme Adventurer
The 86th Floor
ThePulp.Net's Doc Savage page
PDF of a 1987 article on Lester Dent
Video clip of Doc's Fortress of Solitude
[edit] External links
Doc Savage at the Internet Movie Database
Dr. Hermes Reviews All 182 books reviewed
Paul Cook's Doc Savage Images
James Bama: American Realist (2006) All the Doc Savage covers painted by James Bama
Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze at the Internet Movie Database
"Remember The Doc Savage Movie Disaster?" by Will Murray. The Bronze Gazette (Vol. 1, No. 1) March 12, 1992.
"The Doctor is in! Doc Savage" by Michael A. Beck. Baby Boomer Collectibles (April 1996)
“The Bronze Age” by Will Murray from James Van Hise, ed., Pulp Heroes of the Thirties, 2nd edition (Yucca Valley, CA: self-published, 1997).
Philip José Farmer. Doc Savage: His Apocalyptic Life (New York, NY: Bantam Books, 1975).
Rick Lai. The Complete Chronology of Bronze (Indianapolis, IN: ACES Publications, 1999)
"Doc Savage at 70" by Tim Lasiuta
Nostalgia Ventures publisher of Doc Savage reprints Original cover art and interior illustrations
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These characters appeared in the Doc Savage novels.
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Andrew Blodgett Mayfair
Andrew Blodgett Mayfair
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Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Blodgett "Monk" Mayfair is a member of the band of associates of the heroic pulp fiction character Doc Savage. Monk is a peerless industrial chemist and, as are all of Savage's associates, a good man in a fight. His physical characteristics are undeniably simian, hence his nickname. Monk loves a good brawl, beautiful women, and needling his companion, the lawyer 'Ham' Brooks. It was Monk, in fact, who framed Brooks for stealing hams during World War I, and the insulting nickname stuck. In spite of their constant bickering, Monk and Ham are great friends and have risked their lives for each other on several occasions.
Monk purchased an ugly pig in Arabia during the novel The Phantom City. He named it Habeas Corpus in order to further infuriate his lawyer friend. The pig accompanies Monk on most of his adventures.
In the 1975 film Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze, he was played by Michael Miller.
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Theodore Marley Brooks
Theodore Marley Brooks
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Theodore Marley "Ham" Brooks is a fictional associate of the 1930s and 1940s pulp hero Doc Savage. Ham is a Harvard educated lawyer, one of the sharpest legal minds the university ever turned out. He is known for his love of fancy clothes, and is often ranked as one of the best dressed men in New York City. He always carries a black sword cane, the blade of which is coated with a knock-out chemical.
Ham loves to fight with his friend "Monk" Mayfair, another of Doc Savage's associates. This began during World War I, when a practical joke of Ham's landed Monk in a military jail. Ham had taught Monk some insulting French words telling him they were compliments. Monk used them while speaking to a French General and got locked in the guard house. Shortly after that, Ham was framed for stealing a truckload of hams, which is how he got his insulting nickname. Ham was able to beat the rap, but the fact that he never was able to prove that Monk was behind this has always been a source of irritation for the lawyer.
In the novel The Dust of Death, Ham found an anthropoid of unknown species in Central America. Noting its resemblance to Monk, he adopted it as a pet and named it "Chemistry," in honor of his rival's profession.
In the 1942 novel The Too-Wise Owl we learn that Ham had an older half-brother Oliver Brooks who was a British subject living in southern Africa employed as an actor. Ham did not know his half-brother very well. Oliver Brooks was killed at the beginning of the story and we learn almost nothing about him.
In the 1975 film Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze, he was played by Darrell Zwerling.
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John Renwick
John Renwick
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Col. John "Renny" Renwick is a fictional associate of 1930s and 1940s pulp hero Doc Savage. Renny was a civil engineer who first met Doc Savage during World War I. A physically massive man, Renny was almost as big as Doc himself, which would make him over six and a half feet tall. Renny had enormous fists, and his favorite hobby was punching through thick wooden doors. He always looked miserable when he was happiest. His favorite expression was "Holy Cow"!
Renny was absent during some of Doc's adventures, his work carrying him to other parts of the world.
In the 1975 film Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze, he was played by William Lucking.
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Thomas J. Roberts
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Major Thomas J. "Long Tom" Roberts was a fictional associate of 1930s and 1940s pulp hero Doc Savage. Long Tom was an electrical engineer whose inventions helped Doc in his fight against crime. He and Doc met during World War I. According to information in the novel The Dust of Death, Long Tom was a pilot during at least some of his service. In one memorable adventure, Roberts helped defend a city with an ancient cannon known as a 'Long Tom,' hence his nickname.
Long Tom is described as looking like he is at death's door, with an unhealthy, pale complexion, buck teeth, big ears, and a large forehead. In reality, he almost never got sick and was quite a fighter.
Long Tom appears in fewer adventures than Doc Savage's other four associates, as his work would take him out of the area frequently.
In the 1975 film Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze, he was played by Paul Gleason.
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William Harper Littlejohn
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William Harper "Johnny" Littlejohn was a fictional associate of 1930s and 1940s pulp hero Doc Savage. Johnny first met Doc in a prisoner of war camp during World War I. Johnny was the only one of Doc's five associates who did not have a military rank. It was revealed in Escape from Loki that Johnny was in Europe in a civilian capacity.
Johnny is an expert in geology and archaeology. He is described as being tall and extremely thin, with black hair and a large nose. He is referred to as 'professor,' though we are never told which, if any, university he is associated with. In Doc Savage: His Apocalyptic Life, Philip Jose Farmer speculates on Johnny being a Professor at Miskatonic University and further claims H. P. Lovecraft's novel At the Mountains of Madness is Johnny's report of the M.U. expedition to Antarctica.
Johnny lost the sight in one eye during his experiences in the First World War. He wore a monocle over his blind eye, which was actually a magnifying glass he would use in field work. Doc later operated on the eye, restoring the sight.
Johnny loved to use big words, almost to the point of being incomprehensible (he never did this around Doc, knowing he would be instantly understood by his genius leader). His favorite expression was "I'll be superamalgamated!"
Johnny did not appear in many adventures, as his work would take him all over the globe.
In the 1975 film Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze, he was played by Eldon Quick.
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Patricia Savage
Patricia Savage
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Patricia "Pat" Savage is the cousin of the fictional 1930s and 1940s hero Doc Savage. Pat Savage first appears in the novel The Brand of the Werewolf, when Doc helps her secure an inheritance. She is living in Canada at the time, though later moves to New York City and opens a swank beauty salon. Doc Savage refers to her father as an uncle he never met. Pat herself refers to Doc as her third or fourth cousin. She is supposed to be Doc's only living relative.[citations needed]
Pat has bronze hair and skin much like her cousin. She is described as being a knockout, someone who turns heads wherever she goes. She is an accomplished marksman and pilot, and is excellent in self defence. She desired to join Doc's group of associates, but her cousin refused to allow it. His aides, however, were always more than happy when she managed to join them, and Doc himself needed her aid on several occasions. Pat appears in thirty-seven of the original Doc Savage stories.
Pat Savage's signature weapon is an old western single-action six-shooter with the trigger filed off and a fanning spur welded on the hammer, which she carries in her purse. Later it is stated that Doc Savage produced "mercy bullets" for it which render those hit with them unconscious ( the same type of bullets used by Doc Savage's "fabulous five"). The gun becomes an important plot element in The Hate Genius when a disguised Hitler thinks he's left his fingerprints on it, after which the Nazis keep trying to get the gun so his secret identity won't be revealed.[citations needed]
Pat Savage is the main character of the 1948 Doc Savage story I Died Yesterday, which is recounted by her as a first-person narrative in Doc Savage Omnibus #5.
Pat Savage, along with many other pulp characters, appears in Lin Carter's Prince Zarkon novels. In these she is named Pat Hazzard, having married pulp hero Rex Hazzard.
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John Sunlight
John Sunlight
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John Sunlight is a fictional character and is the archenemy of the heroic Doc Savage. Sunlight is the only villain to appear in more than one of Savage's 190 adventures. He first appeared in Fortress of Solitude and later returned in The Devil Genghis.
John Sunlight possesses many qualities that could be considered heroic. He is stronger, more intelligent, and possesses much greater control of his emotions than ordinary people do. In times of concentration or stress he emits a low growl subconsciously, very similar to Doc's trilling. He is also an idealist who seeks to end problems such as war, famine, bigotry, etc. by bringing the world under his control. In this he is similar to other well-known literary supervillains, notably Fu Manchu. It is speculated that due to his age and remarkably similar characteristics John Sunlight may be Doc Savage's son from the events in Escape from Loki.
Like the villains from the James Bond stories, Sunlight also has a number of eccentricities. In The Devil Genghis he has adopted the habit of dressing entirely in one color. He has unusually large and long-fingered hands, with exceptional strength.
Millennium Publications' inaugural Doc Savage comic book miniseries The Monarch of Armageddon, by Mark Ellis and Darryl Banks, begins shortly after The Devil Genghis and depicts Sunlight's systematic destruction of everything Doc holds dear. In the concluding chapter, Sunlight apparently commits suicide rather than have his life saved by Doc Savage.
John Sunlight also appears briefly in the science fiction novel Roadmarks by Roger Zelazny.
[edit] Further reading
Philip José Farmer. Doc Savage: His Apocalyptic Life (New York, NY: Bantam Books, 1975), Chapter 18
[1] Farmer’s Escape from Loki: A Closer Look by Christopher Carey
[2] Loki in Sunlight by Christopher Carey
[3] The Green Eyes Have It - Or Are They Blue? or Another Case of Identity Recased by Christopher Carey
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Doc Savage: His Apocalyptic Life
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Doc Savage: His Apocalyptic Life
Panther UK cover
Author Philip José Farmer
Country United States
Language English
Series Doc Savage
Genre(s) Science fiction novel
Publisher Doubleday
Publication date 1973
Media type Print (Hardback & Paperback)
Pages 226pp (first edition, hardback)
ISBN ISBN 0-385-08488-9 (first edition, hardback)
Doc Savage: His Apocalyptic Life is a fictional biography by Philip José Farmer about Doc Savage.
The book is written with the assumption that Doc Savage was a real person. Kenneth Robeson, the author of the Doc Savage novels, is portrayed as writing fictionalized memoirs of the real Savage's life. Farmer examines the psychological make up of Doc and his associates, based on close readings of the 181 novels. In an appendix, "The Fabulous Family Tree of Doc Savage", Farmer links Savage to dozens of other fictional characters as a member of the Wold Newton family.
The tone of the book, while occasionally tongue in cheek, is one of great fondness for the characters, and can be enjoyed by both the Doc Savage fan and the non-enthusiast.
[edit] External links
The Doc Savage Chronology from The Wold Newton Universe website
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Fortress of Solitude
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The Fortress of Solitude is the occasional headquarters of Superman in DC Comics. Its predecessor, Superman's "Secret Citadel", first appeared in Superman #17, where it was said to be built into a mountain on the outskirts of Metropolis. However, the formal introduction of the Fortress took place in the story "The Super-Key to Fort Superman", published in Action Comics #241 (June 1958).
Traditionally, the Fortress of Solitude is located in the Arctic, though more recent versions of the Superman comics have placed the Fortress in other locations, including the Antarctic, the Andes and the Amazon rainforest. The general public in Superman's world is at best only vaguely aware of the existence of the Fortress, with its location kept secret from all but Superman's closest friends and allies (such as Lois Lane and Batman). A trademark of the Fortress is that it contains a memorial statue of Jor-El and Lara, Superman's Kryptonian parents, holding a large globe of Krypton. However, although Superman has living quarters at the Fortress, his main residence is still in Metropolis.
The name and original location of the Fortress were most likely inspired by Doc Savage's Fortress of Solitude.
Contents [hide]
1 Original version
2 Modern versions
2.1 Infinite Crisis
2.2 One Year Later
2.3 All Star Superman
3 Other media
3.1 Movies
3.2 Computer and video games
3.3 Television
4 Doc Savage and his Fortress of Solitude
5 Cultural references
6 External links
[edit] Original version
The Silver Age Fortress of Solitude, from Superman #187 (June 1966). Art by Curt Swan and George Klein.The original Silver Age Fortress, first appearing in 1958, was located in the Arctic and built into the side of a steep cliff. The Fortress was accessible through a large gold-colored door with a giant keyhole, which required an enormous key to open it. The arrow-shaped key was so large that only Superman (or another Kryptonian such as Supergirl) could lift it; when not in use, the key sat on a perch outside of the Fortress, where it appeared to be an aircraft path marker.
The Fortress contained an alien zoo, a giant steel diary in which Superman wrote his memoirs (using either his invulnerable finger or heat vision to engrave entries into its pages), a chess-playing robot, specialized exercise equipment, a laboratory where Superman worked on various projects such as developing defenses to Kryptonite, a computer, communications equipment, and rooms dedicated to all of his friends, including one for Clark Kent to fool visitors. As the stories continued, it was revealed that the Fortress was where Superman's robot duplicates were stored. It also contained the Phantom Zone projector, various pieces of alien technology he had acquired on visits to other worlds, and, much like the Batcave, trophies of his past adventures. Indeed, the Batcave and Batman himself made an appearance in the first Fortress story. The Fortress also became the home of the bottle city of Kandor (until it was enlarged), and an apartment in the Fortress was set aside for Supergirl.
A detailed depiction of the Fortress and its contents forms the background to DC Special Series #26 (1981); Superman and his Incredible Fortress of Solitude, in which Superman minutely inspects the Fortress, suspecting an enemy has planted an Earth-destroying bomb within it. Another noteworthy appearance of this version of the Fortress was in 1985's Superman Annual #11, a story by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons titled For the Man Who Has Everything, in which it served as a battleground for Superman, Batman, Robin, and Wonder Woman against the alien would-be overlord Mongul. This story was adapted to animation in Justice League Unlimited.
In addition to Mongul, the Fortress has been independently broken into at various times by villains Lex Luthor, Brainiac and the Atomic Skull, among others.
This version of the Fortress made its last appearance in the 1986 non-canonical (or "imaginary") story "Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?", appearing in Action Comics #583 and Superman #423.
According to Action Comics number 261, Superman first established secret Fortresses in outer space and at the center of the Earth before settling on an Arctic location. This assertion is unsupported by other texts.
Additionally, Superman established an undersea Fortress of Solitude - hollowed out of the side of an undersea cliff - in September 1958. The undersea Fortress, which is reportedly located at the bottom of the Sargasso Sea at 28 degrees North latitude, 50 degrees West longitude, is stocked with numerous exotic ocean relics and is equipped with sophisticated monitoring apparatus to enable Superman to keep abreast of events occurring throughout the seven seas. Superman later abandoned the undersea Fortress and the structure is now used by the mer-people of Atlantis as a showplace and a tourist attraction.
[edit] Modern versions
In John Byrne's 1986 Man of Steel miniseries, which re-wrote various aspects of the Superman mythos, the Clark Kent persona was described as a "Fortress of Solitude", in that it allowed him to live as the ordinary person he saw himself as and leave the world-famous super-hero behind.
This concept was often invoked in later stories, with one story even featuring Superman hiding his secret identity from a telepath behind a door identical to that of the pre-Crisis Fortress. By that time, however, a more physical Fortress had been introduced.
The new Fortress of Solitude, from Superman #217 (July 2005). Art by Ed Benes.In Action Comics Annual #2 (1989), Superman, on a self-imposed exile to space, was entrusted with a Kryptonian artifact called the Eradicator, created by his ancestor Kem-L. Dedicated to preserving Krypton, this device built a new Fortress in the Antarctic as a precursor to recreating Krypton on Earth. Superman broke the Eradicator's control, but maintained the Fortress as a useful location for emergencies. The first appearance of this new post-Crisis version of the Fortress was in Adventures of Superman #461 (Dec. 1989).
It contained many artifacts from the post-Crisis version of Krypton, most notably a number of robot servitors (one of whom, Kelex, became a trusted confidant) and a battlesuit from the Third Age of Krypton.
This Fortress was cast into the Phantom Zone as a result of a battle between Superman, Lex Luthor, and Dominus, a villain who played with Superman's mind and who was also trapped in the Phantom Zone. It did, however, serve as the template for the next Fortress, built into an extradimensional space accessed through a vast puzzle-globe. The now-mobile Fortress was relocated somewhere in the Andes.
In the DC One Million series (1998), Superman's Fortress of Solitude in the 853rd Century resides within a tesseract located at the center of Earth's sun. By this time, Superman has lived in self-imposed exile within the Fortress for over 15,000 years. During the For Tomorrow story arc in 2004-2005 Superman comics, Wonder Woman breached the Fortress in an attempt to confront Superman, causing the Fortress to self-destruct. Superman has since established a new Fortress in an ancient temple on a remote village in the Cordillera Del Condor Mountains, on the border of Ecuador and Peru. This version of the Fortress is visually similar to the earliest "Secret Citadel" from Superman #17.
The current Fortress is home to Krypto and his dog-sitter Ned (the last remaining Superman robot), and contains the current version of Kandor, a portal to the Phantom Zone, Kryptonian and alien artifacts, and holographic images of Jor-El and Lara. The caretaker of the Fortress is Kelex, a Kryptonian robot that is a descendant of the robot that served Jor-El.
[edit] Infinite Crisis
Main article: Infinite Crisis
In the 2006 limited series Infinite Crisis, several survivors of the pre-Crisis multiverse---the Earth-Two Superman, Lois Lane of Earth-Two, the Earth-Prime Superboy, and Earth-Three's Alexander Luthor, Jr.---set up a base in the ruins of the Antarctic Fortress following their escape from the "paradise dimension" they had been trapped in since the end of Crisis on Infinite Earths. It was then revealed from Power Girl's repressed memories from her life on Earth-Two that her cousin Kal-L had his own version of the Fortress of Solitude similar to his Earth-One counterpart's Fortress.
[edit] One Year Later
In the 2006 story arc Up, Up, and Away!, Superman recovered a piece of Kryptonian sunstone, which Lex Luthor had used to awaken an ancient Kryptonian warship. Superman learned that the sunstone had been sent with him from Krypton, and used it (in Action Comics #840) to construct a new Fortress in the Arctic in the exact same manner as in Superman. He nevertheless plans to restore the Peruvian Fortress, even if compromised and no longer in a secret location, and plans more Fortresses around the world.
Action Comics Annual #10 (2007) revealed that, in the continuity of "New Earth", the original Arctic fortress was built before Clark assumed the Superman identity. The Fortress physically resembles the movie and television depictions and Superman communicates with Jor-El via crystal constructs as in Superman The Movie and Smallville.
[edit] All Star Superman
In the out-of-continuity series All Star Superman, the Fortress is once again located in the Arctic. Superman has replaced the giant key with a normal-sized key which is made from dwarf star material and is therefore too dense for any mortal to lift, and has a team of robots working on various projects. The Fortress itself seems to contain the Titanic, the space shuttle Columbia, as well as larger-than-life memorabilia, making it more akin to the Batcave than to more traditional depictions of the Fortress from the Silver Age.
[edit] Other media
[edit] Movies
In Superman and its sequels (except for Superman III), the Fortress is created by a crystal that Jor-El enclosed in Kal-El's spaceship. It leads teenage Clark Kent to an ice field where, after he throws it down, melts into the ice and grows into a huge crystalline building, similar to the crystalline architecture shown on Krypton at the beginning of the film. This feat is similar to other descriptions in science fiction of a nano-assembler device. This Fortress contains numerous "memory crystals" that can be used to access interactive holographic recordings of Jor-El, Lara, and other Kryptonians, and a chamber that uses red sun radiation to strip Kryptonians of their super powers. (Used in both versions of Superman II)
In Richard Donner's cut of Superman II, the Fortress is destroyed by Superman as its existence was revealed to Lex Luthor as well as the police who arrested General Zod, Ursa, and Non. However, Superman then turns back time (a la Superman I), so technically the fortress is completely restored.
Concept Art for Superman ReturnsIn Superman Returns, the Fortress follows the same formula as the earlier movies, but goes into more detail about the crystal origins of the Fortress and Kryptonian architecture. Lex Luthor attempts to use memory crystals he stole from the Fortress to create a new continent. An observation is made (following Superman II) that he acts as though he has been there before.
[edit] Computer and video games
In the video game The Death and Return of Superman for SNES, the Fortress of Solitude is shown in one of the cut-screens.
In Superman Returns: The Videogame, it was thought that the Fortress would be accessible. However, it is only shown in one cut-scene. The only locations accessible in the game are Metropolis, and a small part of Warworld. The Fortress in the game is the Options menu.
[edit] Television
The Fortress has appeared in Super Friends, including one episode where using the giant key requires the combined efforts of Green Lantern, Wonder Woman and Cyborg. Superman: The Animated Series and Justice League Unlimited present a slightly altered version, with the Fortress located in the ocean underneath the Arctic tundra; access was gained by diving into the Arctic water and emerging in an opening inside the Fortress. This version contained an alien zoo housing alien lifeforms saved from The Preserver's ship and some computer equipment, along with a Brainiac information sphere stolen from his hijacked spacecraft just before it was destroyed, which is used by Superman to access information about Krypton. The fortress also contains massive ice sculptures of Superman's biological parents, Jor-El and Lara, serving as monuments to Krypton.
The Fortress of Solitude is also a major setting for the Justice League Unlimited episode "For the Man Who Has Everything." A fight with the warlord Mongul took place there, after he delivered a parasite capable of hypnosis to Superman and was detected by Batman and Wonder Woman. In this version, the name "Fortress of Solitude" was given by Professor Emil Hamilton in a sarcastically humorous remark while he visited the fortress in one episode.
On Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, the "Fortress" appeared in one episode as the name of young Clark Kent's treehouse.
In Smallville, teenage Clark Kent is often found in his loft in a barn, which Jonathan Kent once called the "Fortress of Solitude" since it is the place where Clark likes to be alone. However, the fifth season premiere, "Arrival," introduces a Fortress of Solitude that is very similar in appearance to the one seen in the original Superman movies, but much larger in size; it is even constructed in a manner very similar to what was seen in Superman.
In the same episode, Chloe Sullivan, having been accidentally transported to the Arctic, found the Fortress and upon entering, was hit with an ice blast caused by Jor-El attempting to educate Clark, and subsequently began to freeze to death. Clark took Chloe to a hospital in the Yukon, indicating that the Yukon is the nearest inhabited place to the Fortress. As of Smallville's sixth season premiere, the fortress is apparently "dead" as a result of Clark throwing a dagger from the fortress into Brainiac. An S-shield-shaped crystal Clark received in the Phantom Zone and used to purge Zod from Lex has recently been charged with the power of one of the escaped Phantom Zone criminals, and was subsequently used to revive the Fortress. The Fortress is referred to as Jor-El's fortress of knowledge by his assistant Raya.
The Fortress also appears in the Legion of Super Heroes animated series. It appears in the episode called "Message in a Bottle." In that episode, the Legion chase Imperiex to the Fortress, where he shrinks himself to enter Kandor, to steal highly advanced ancient Kryptonian technology invented by Jor-El.
[edit] Doc Savage and his Fortress of Solitude
Bantam Books cover art by James Bama1930s and 1940s pulp fiction hero Doc Savage maintained his own Fortress of Solitude in the Arctic.[1]
It was there that he did scientific research and study when he needed to get away from his life of adventuring. Doc's fortress was mentioned in the first Doc Savage pulp novel, Man of Bronze by Lester Dent, and was published in March 1933, which predates Superman's hideaway.
Fortress of Solitude was also the title of a Doc Savage novel published in October 1938, which provides extensive background information about the actual structure which was described as a massive, 100-foot-tall blue dome (see video clip below). It formed the background for a deadly confrontation between Doc Savage and his greatest foe, John Sunlight.
Later, in the October 1942 pulp novel The Laugh of Death, the fortress had been modified to resemble an ice-covered rock outcropping.
In the 1975 film Doc Savage: The Man on Bronze, the Fortress of Solitude is shown as a large igloo-like structure.
[edit] Cultural references
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Saturday Night Live's Ambiguously Gay Duo has a secret "Fortress of Privacy," a clear parody of the Fortress of Solitude.
The Fortress of Solitude is a 2003 novel by Jonathan Lethem.
In the Christmas-themed South Park episode, "Red Sleigh Down," Santa Claus' home in the North Pole is shown as the Fortress from the Superman movies.
In the animated series Drawn Together, Captain Hero has a "Pillow Fort of Isolation," his equivalent of Superman's Fortress of Solitude.
In an episode of That '70s Show entitled "Red Fired Up," Eric likens his basement to the Fortress of Solitude, as it is the place he and his friends hang out to avoid their elders and peers, and tells Kelso that he cannot keep bringing Laurie down there as it is a violation of the basement's function. "You can't bring my sister down here. This place is like our Fortress of Solitude...."
The television sitcom Seinfeld contained numerous Superman references, as Jerry Seinfeld confessed to be a huge fan of the comic character. Seinfeld referenced the Fortress of Solitude in one episode. To show his love of Superman, he also appeared in a Web-based, 10-minute long commercial for American Express in which he co-starred with an animated Superman.
In Fairly Odd Parents, episode "Power Pals," Timmy wishes for some Super Friends, one of which is Super Sam. In the episode, Super Sam keeps throwing crystals around and they grow into various buildings (such as the Hall of Friendship) and other items.
In the animated television series Static Shock, Virgil Hawkins names his base of operations "The Abandoned Gas Station of Solitude." In the episode "Future Shock," where Static is accidentally transported to a futuristic Gotham City, Batman makes fun of this base, only to find a hi-tech super-base below ground.
In the Nickelodeon cartoon series Doug, Doug's comic book superhero persona, Quailman, has a hideaway called "The Thicket of Solitude." As its name suggests, it is located in an unknown wooded area.
In The Simpsons episode, "King of the Hill," Homer is resting beside a port-o-potty. When he attempts to get up, he knocks it over, revealing Comic Book Guy, who is reading a comic. He sighs and says, "It appears I will have to find a new Fortress of Solitude."
In the Dilbert episode "The Off-Site Meeting," Dilbert refers to his home as his "Fortress of Solitude" and his neighbors reply, "I thought only Superman had a Fortress of Solitude," and go on to talk about all the great things that Superman has done for the world and how Dilbert is stealing his reputation.
Angloman, a character created by Mark Shainblum and Gabriel Morrissette which parodies both superheroes and Quebec politics, frequently retires to his "Fortress of Two Solitudes," mocking a phrase used by various authors to describe the cultural divide between English- and French-speaking citizens of Montreal.
Clark Oppenheimer, a character from The Tick has a Fortress of Fortitude, grown from crystals. A satire of both Superman and his father (Ka-Ro and Ban-Al, respectively), the crystals project a slide show-esque exposition featuring someone looking suspiciously like Marlon Brando.
Krypto the Superdog, a children's cartoon focusing on the animals of the DC Universe, features a "Dumpster of Streakitude," headquarters of Streaky the Supercat.
In an episode of Family Guy, Peter Griffin has a flashback to a time where he lived in the Fortress.
[edit] External links
Supermanica: Fortress of Solitude Supermanica entry on the pre-Crisis Fortress of Solitude
[2] Video clip of Doc Savage's Fortress of Solitude.
Google Sketchup/Earth Model of the Fortress of Solitude
Supermanica: Secret Santuary Supermanica entry on the Secret Santuary
[show]v • d • eSuperman
Creators Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster
Characters Superman (Clark Kent) · Lois Lane · Jimmy Olsen · Perry White · Jor-El and Lara · Ma and Pa Kent · Lana Lang · Pete Ross · Steel · Superboy (Kal-El; Kon-El) · Supergirl (Kara Zor-El) · Power Girl · Krypto · Eradicator · Chris Kent
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Television Adventures of Superman · Superboy · Lois & Clark · Smallville · Look, Up in the Sky!
Animation 1940s cartoons · The New Adventures of Superman · Super Friends · Superman (1988) · Superman: The Animated Series · Justice League · Justice League Unlimited · Legion of Super Heroes · Superman: Brainiac Attacks · Superman: Doomsday · Justice League: The New Frontier
Video games Atari 2600 (1979) · Arcade game (1988) · NES (1988) · Sega Genesis (1992) · The Death and Return of Superman · Superman 64 · Shadow of Apokolips · Superman: The Man of Steel · Countdown to Apokolips · Superman Returns · Fortress of Solitude
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DVD The Ultimate Superman Collection · The Christopher Reeve Superman Collection
[show]v • d • e1978-1987 Superman film series
Superman (1978 film) • Superman II • Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut • Superman III • Supergirl • Superman IV: The Quest for Peace
Cast Christopher Reeve (Superman/Clark Kent/Evil Superman) • Jeff East (Young Clark Kent) • Gene Hackman (Lex Luthor) • Margot Kidder (Lois Lane) • Jackie Cooper (Perry White) • Marc McClure (Jimmy Olsen) • Annette O'Toole (Lana Lang) • Glenn Ford (Jonathan Kent) • Phyllis Thaxter (Martha Kent) • Marlon Brando (Jor-El) • Susannah York (Lara Lor-Van) • Terence Stamp (General Zod) • Helen Slater (Supergirl/Kara Zor-El) • Simon Ward (Zor-El) • Maureen Teefy (Lucy Lane) • Kirk Alyn (Sam Lane)
Characters created for the film series Otis (Ned Beatty) • Ursa (Sarah Douglas) • Non (Jack O'Halloran) • Gus Gorman (Richard Pryor) • Ross Webster (Robert Vaughn) • Nuclear Man (Clive Mantle (Nuclear Man #1) and Mark Pillow (Nuclear Man #2)) • Lenny Luthor (Jon Cryer)
Crew Richard Donner • Alexander Salkind • Ilya Salkind • Richard Lester • Michael Thau • Mario Puzo • David Newman • Leslie Newman • Robert Benton • Tom Mankiewicz • John Williams • David Prowse • Geoffrey Unsworth • Stuart Baird • Les Bowie • Denys Coop • Michael Ellis • John Barry • Reg Hill • David Lane • Pierre Spengler • Ken Thorne • Derek Meddings • Stuart Freeborn • Jeannot Szwarc • David Odell • Jerry Goldsmith • Alan Hume • Sidney J. Furie • Menahem Golan • Yoram Globus • Golan-Globus • Lawrence Konner • Mark Rosenthal • Alexander Courage • John Shirley • Harrison Ellenshaw
Sets and filming locations Shepperton Studios • Pinewood Studios • Elstree Studios • 007 Stage • Central Milton Keynes • Chobham Common • Didcot Power Station • Hippodrome, London • Milton Keynes Central railway station • Solow Building • Wembley Conference Centre • Smallville • Daily Planet (New York Daily News) • Fortress of Solitude • Phantom Zone • Metropolis • Krypton • Argo City
Music "Can You Read My Mind" • "Earth Angel" • "Give a Little Bit" • "Pick Up the Pieces" • "Rock Around the Clock" • "Roll Over Beethoven" • "Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin On" • Superman III (soundtrack)
DVD box sets The Christopher Reeve Superman Collection • The Complete Superman Collection • The Ultimate Superman Collection
Related articles Superman in popular culture • Alternate versions of Superman • Superman films on television (The ABC Sunday Night Movie/KCOP/WJLA) • Kryptonite • Relationship of Clark Kent and Lois Lane • Origin of Superman • Lex Luthor in other media • Media adaptions of Supergirl • Zoptics
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Editos Notes;
Despite popular comic mythology,Doc Savage inspired much of Supermans original designs and character.Although Superman barrows from Edgar Rice Burroughs Tarzan of the Apes,being a child raised in another world by other foster parents-like Superman and John Carter,Warlord of Mars-being a hero that goes one to another,to stronger and faster than inhabitants-like Superman,major influences are 1)The name.Clark KENT owes his from a mixing of ''CLARK''SAVAGE,JR. and ''Kent''ALLARD-Otherwise know as the Shadow-aka Lamont Cranston.All Clark Gable,rubbish promote by Jerry Seigle and Joe Shuster is just that-bad memory and covering your comic asses as to where originally got the name from.Both Doc Savage and Superman,even somewhat look similar if you veiw how both originally looked as drawn by the original artist.And Doc Savage had the Fortess of Solitude way before Superman-so much for copyright infringement,folks.
Doc Thompson

Doc Brass
Axel Brass
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Axel Brass
Axel 'Doc' Brass. Art by John Cassaday.
Publisher Wildstorm
First appearance Planetary #1
Created by Warren Ellis & John Cassaday.
Axel Brass is a fictional character from the comic book Planetary. He is essentially Doc Savage, Man of Bronze, though rewritten in certain aspects to avoid copyright infringement.
[edit] Fictional Biography
What is known of Brass is fairly limited despite how central he is to the comic's plot. Brass is the child of an incestuous brother and sister whose lineage stretches back to the French Revolution. At that time, a group of forward thinkers dedicated themselves and their children to a doctrine designed to produce the most from human potential. This likely included special diet, exercise and aspects of eugenics.
Brass was born at midnight on New Year's Eve, 1900 joining the number of Century Babies. He would eventually have many adventures finally bringing together various extraordinary individuals (who, like Brass, are analogues of other characters such as Tarzan, Fu Manchu etc.). In 1945, seeing that World War II was ending, they activated a computer that performed calculations through multiple universes; the purpose was to advise them of how to build a perfect world. Unfortunately a side-effect of this calculation was the construction of parallel Earths, the last of which housed an analogue of the Justice League of America. These beings leapt to Brass's world in order to annihilate every man, woman and child on this Earth to make way for the population of their Earth; as the computer would finish it's task, the new being's world would be destroyed. All of Brass' team gave their lives to win in the ensuing battle against the creatures. Brass was the only survivor of both teams but his legs were ruined. Unable and unwilling to leave the portal to other worlds unguarded, Brass then stayed awake for fifty four years until he was discovered by the Planetary team, underestimating the passage of time by two decades. He has since made reappearances in the series, undergoing therapy in an Planetary-sponsored hospital facillity. He has formed a friendship with Planetary member Elijah Snow, who often asks him for advice. He encourages Snow not to give up after the Kaizen Gamorra attack on Moscow, for even though many innocents did die, the enemy was stopped.
Later 'flashbacks' would reveal how Brass and his team fought various horrors, including Daemonites and a strange force that melts people where they stand.
[edit] Powers and Abillities
Brass is profoundly intelligent, incredibly strong, immortal, has a superhuman sense of smell, is able to go without sleep or sustenance for decades and is able to close wounds through the power of his own mind. However, he was unable to heal his crippled legs.
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Peter Coogan
Doc Savage: His Apocalyptic Life
Win Scott Eckert
Philip José Farmer
A Feast Unknown
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Volume I
L cont.
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Volume II
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Volume III: Century
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Black Dossier
Lord of the Trees
The Mad Goblin
Madame Atomos
The Other Log of Phileas Fogg
Doc Savage
S cont.
Sâr Dubnotal
Tales of the Shadowmen
Tarzan Alive: A Definitive Biography of Lord Greystoke
Wold Newton family
Wold Newton meteorite
Wold Newton, East Riding of Yorkshire
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Categories: Crossover fiction
The Doc Savage Chronology
Additions to Philip José Farmer's Chronology in Doc Savage: His Apocalyptic Life
by Win Scott Eckert
Doc Savage
Pat Savage
Monk Mayfair
From March 1933 to Summer 1949, Street & Smith published 181 issues of Doc Savage Magazine, carrying the byline of Kenneth Robeson. Actually, most of the novels were written by Lester Dent, with some being contributed by Norman Danberg, Alan Hathway, and William Bogart. In Doc Savage: His Apocalyptic Life, Philip José Farmer compiled a chronology of the 181 supersagas.
This chronology merely constitutes the addition of stories and novels not included in Farmer’s original chronology; the two chronologies should be read together for a complete picture. A few Doc Savage pulp novels with the dates from Farmer’s chronology are included here in order to provide referents for the newly-included adventures.
Integrated into Farmer’s framework of the original pulp novels is a chronology of every other comic, short story & novel appearance of Doc Savage or his aides of which I am aware, not including the Street & Smith comics of the 1940s. I have included material that was authorized and licensed by Condé Nast Publications, Inc. Also included are appearances of Doc where he is not named as such, as in The Rocketeer comics or the science-fiction novella, Who Goes There? Fan fiction is not included. The timeline also attempts to reconcile conflicting information provided in the licensed sources and create a streamlined chronology of the life of Doctor Clark Savage, Jr.
Birth of Theodore Marley "Ham" Brooks, one of Doc Savage's five assistants.
Birth of Andrew Blodgett "Monk" Mayfair, nephew of Professor George Edward Challenger, and one of Doc Savage's fabulous five.
Colonel Richard Henry Savage defeats a plot of Doctor Nikola to loose a plague upon the world (see Doom Dynasty). Colonel Savage is the adoptive father of Clark Savage, Sr.
May 1901
Clark Savage, Sr., the illegitimate son of William Cecil Clayton, the sixth duke of Greystoke, is implicated in the kidnapping of his younger half-brother, the legitimate son of the sixth duke, as described by Watson and Doyle in the Sherlock Holmes story The Adventure of the Priory School. After these events, Savage and his wife Arronaxe Larsen flee England; a guilt-ridden Savage vows to dedicate his life and that of his unborn child to fighting evil. Click here for a brief article on Doc Savage's father and the Greystoke lineage.
November 12, 1901
Clark "Doc" Savage, Jr., is born on the schooner Orion in a cove off the northern tip of Andros Island, Bahamas. Doc's parents are Clark Savage, Sr. and Arronaxe Larsen. Doc's maternal grandparents are Wolf Larsen (The Sea Wolf) and Arronaxe Land, who is the daughter of Ned Land (20,000 Leagues Under the Sea). As part of his training to combat crime and evil, Clark, over the years, will study various disciplines with Sherlock Holmes, Arsène Lupin, Richard Wentworth, Dr. John Thorndyke, Craig Kennedy, Kent Allard, Harry Houdini, and Tarzan.
June-July 1908
Doc's mother is killed in Siberia. (The Asteroid Terror, DC Comics’ Doc Savage, Volume 2, issues 22-24.) This account differs from Farmer’s, which claims that Doc’s mother drowned in 1902.
Birth of Patricia Savage, Doc Savage's cousin.
Birth of Princess Monja F’Teema in Hidalgo.
Dr. Clark Savage, Sr., and Hareton Ironcastle mount a second expedition to The Lost World discovered by Professor Challenger and Lord John Roxton.
March 31-July 1918
Escape From Loki
Doc meets his future aides, Ham Brooks, Monk Mayfair, Renny Renwick, Johnny Littlejohn, and Long Tom Roberts, in the prison camp Loki. (Novel by Philip José Farmer.)
There are three masterful articles on this topic by Christopher Carey: Farmer's Escape from Loki: A Closer Look; Loki in the Sunlight; and The Green Eyes Have It - Or Are They Blue? or Another Case of Identity Recased. Regarding Mr. Carey's proposition in the latter article that Captain Nemo, Professor Moriarty, Wolf Larsen, Baron Karl von Hessel (Escape From Loki), Baron Karl (Fortress of Solitude), and Dr. Karl Linningen (Up From Earth's Center) are all the same person, the evidence he gathers is vast. However, Moriarty's career beyond Reichenbach is well-documented, and argues against him being the same person as Wolf Larsen. (Interestingly, Wold Newton investigator Dennis Power independently discovered the Moriarty-Larsen connection and revealed that it is a father-son relationship.) Nevertheless, there is nothing to argue against Wolf Larsen being the same person as Baron von Hessel and Baron Karl. In fact, von Hessel, when revealing his age-delaying elixir to Doc, states that he was born in 1858, which is close enough to the hypothesized time-frame for the birth of Larsen to be taken as accurate. That von Hessel is actually Doc's grandfather makes the battle of wills and testing of young Clark in Escape from Loki all the more remarkable.
July 1918
The Olympic Peril (Chapter 2)
After their escape from the first prison camp Loki, Doc and the boys are recaptured and placed in a second camp of the same name, but quickly escape. (DC Comics’ Doc Savage annual 1.)
September-November 1918
Savage, Jr., meets his cousin, Lieutenant John "Korak" Drummond-Clayton, while flying during the Argonne operation.
April 1919
Nine months after Doc Savage's escape from the prison camp Loki, a child is born to Lily Bugov, the Countess Idivzhopu. The child is raised as the son of Baron Karl von Hessel (Doc's grandfather, who will go by the moniker Baron Karl by the time of Fortress of Solitude). However, given young Clark Savage's intimate encounter with the Countess Idivzhopu in July 1918, there can be little doubt as to the true parentage of this child, who will grow up to menace the world, not to mention his own hated father, as "John Sunlight."
Wold Newton researcher Christopher Carey, in his article Loki in the Sunlight, gathers and documents an incredible amount of evidence about the Countess, von Hessel, and Doc's arch-enemy "John Sunlight." Virtually the only piece of Mr. Carey's article with which I disagree is his conclusion that John Sunlight is either Lily Bugov posing as a man, or that she underwent a sex-change operation to become Sunlight. Mr. Carey evocatively points out both Bugov's and Sunlight's unusually long fingers. Keeping in mind all the physical similarities between Bugov and Sunlight that Mr. Carey documents, as well as the behavioral differences, I am lead to a different conclusion. I believe Sunlight is Lily Bugov's son.
However, if Sunlight were born in April of 1919, he would be only eighteen years old in August of 1937 (Fortress of Solitude). This could pose a problem, in terms of his believability as a villain. On the other hand, Baron von Hessel/Baron Karl has been mentoring him in the ways of evil for those eighteen years. And Doc made a believable hero at age sixteen, just as many other Wold Newtonites started their careers early in life. There is a statement that, "He was not a young man...," but I believe this to be blatant misdirection on Lester Dent's part, in order to help Doc conceal the terrible secret of Sunlight's parentage. In short, Sunlight's age is not an insurmountable issue. (It is interesting to note that, based on textual evidence in Fortress of Solitude, Sunlight escaped from the Siberian gulag at approximately age sixteen or seventeen -- the same age at which his father escaped from a similar inescapable prison camp.)
Further, I do not believe that Farmer would have noted the sexual encounter between Clark and Lily without reason. Sunlight, like Doc, emits a strange sound in times of excitement or stress, although Sunlight's takes the form of a low, evil growl, rather than Doc's cool, exotic trilling. Sunlight's inhuman strength, derived from unspecified sources, and his incredible stamina and will power, a result of his magnificent brain, are extensively described in Fortress of Solitude. The derivation of Sunlight's formidable intelligence is easily understood once it is revealed that he is of the Moriarty lineage, as well as that of the Savages-Claytons. In my estimation, the physical similarities between Countess Idivzhopu and Sunlight, coupled with Sunlight's Savage-like strength, vocal habits, and brain power, undoubtedly point to a familial relationship, one made possible by Doc's indiscretion with the Countess.
Who Goes There?
Clark Savage, Jr., joins an Antarctic expedition as meteorologist and second-in-command (McReady, "a bronze giant of a man"; the theory that McReady is Savage was first proposed by Albert Tonik in A Doc Savage Adventure Rediscovered, published in Doc Savage Club Reader number four, 1978). Savage and the other members of the expedition must fight for their lives when they discover a Thing (from another world). Savage does not have his M.D. yet (according to Farmer, he got his M.D. in 1926). (Classic science fiction novella by John W. Campbell, Jr., most recently published in the collection The Antarktos Cycle, Chaosium, 1999, as The Thing From Another World.)
At the Mountains of Madness
The leader of the Miskatonic University expedition to Antarctica, Professor Dyer, and Professor William Harper "Johnny" Littlejohn, one of Doc Savage's five assistants, are one and the same person, in this novel by H.P. Lovecraft. (Recently reprinted in the anthology The Antarktos Cycle, Chaosium, 1999.)
January 1931
Devil's Thoughts
Johnny Littlejohn, one of Doc Savage's five assistants, is an archaeology professor at Miskatonic University in Arkham, Massachusetts. (Millennium Comics’ Doc Savage mini-series.)
The Man of Bronze
Doc Savage and his five associates begin their fight against the forces of evil. First appearance of Princess Monja. (Original pulp novel by Lester Dent, under the "house" name Kenneth Robeson.)
King Kong
Although Doc is not in on this adventure, he financed the expedition, and returns to New York in time to witness its final events.
April 1932
Brand of the Werewolf
First appearance of Doc's cousin, Pat Savage. (Original pulp novel by Lester Dent.)
April 1932
The Feathered Octopus (Original pulp novel by Lester Dent.)
May 1932
After King Kong Fell
Doc and his boys, along with The Shadow and Margo Lane, witness the aftermath of Kong's plunge from the Empire State Building (click here for more info on Margo). (Short story by Philip José Farmer.)
April 1933
Doom on Thunder Island (Marvel Comics’ Doc Savage Magazine 1.)
A Most Singular Writ of Habeas Corpus (Marvel Comics’ Doc Savage Magazine 3.)
The Inferno Scheme (Marvel Comics’ Doc Savage Magazine 3.)
The events of Tarzan's Quest, in which Tarzan, Jane, and a few others acquire Kavuru immortality pills. After this adventure, Tarzan sends a sample to his cousin, Doc Savage, for analysis. Savage is able to synthesize the compound, after which both Tarzan and Savage have access to a supply for themselves, their families, and comrades.
The Earth Wreckers (Marvel Comics’ Doc Savage Magazine 5.)
Meteor Menace (Original pulp novel by Lester Dent.)
June 1934
Fear Cay (Original pulp novel by Lester Dent.)
The Hell Reapers (Marvel Comics’ Doc Savage Magazine 2.)
Mid July
Death in Silver (Original pulp novel by Lester Dent.)
Late July
Python Isle (This novel by Will Murray, under the house name of Kenneth Robeson, takes place in 1934, just after Death in Silver.)
The Sea Magician (Original pulp novel by Lester Dent.)
March 1935
The Majii (Original pulp novel by Lester Dent.)
The Conflagration Man
Doc's first teaming with The Shadow. (DC Comics’ Doc Savage ongoing series, issues 17 & 18, and issues 5 & 6 of DC’s The Shadow Strikes!)
Spook Hole (Original pulp novel by Lester Dent.)
The Jade Ogre (This novel by Will Murray takes place in Spring, 1935, after Spook Hole.)
Pat Savage: Family Blood (One issue published by Millennium Comics.)
Mid October 1935
The Vanisher (Original pulp novel by Lester Dent.)
Late October
White Eyes (This novel by Will Murray takes place after The Midas Man, which was "some months ago" (June 1935).)
Late October
The Metal Master (Original pulp novel by Lester Dent.)
November 1935-February 1936
The South Pole Terror (Original pulp novel by Lester Dent.)
Ghost Pirates from the Beyond (Marvel Comics’ Doc Savage Magazine 4.)
Curse of the Fire God (Mini-series published by Dark Horse Comics.)
Resurrection Day (Original pulp novel by Lester Dent.)
May-July 1936
Ost (Original pulp novel by Lester Dent.)
The Olympic Peril (Chapter 1) (DC Comics’ Doc Savage annual 1.)
Repel (Aka The Deadly Dwarf. Original pulp novel by Lester Dent.)
The Olympic Peril (Chapter 3) (DC Comics’ Doc Savage annual 1.)
The Sea Angel (Original pulp novel by Lester Dent.)
The Golden Peril (Original pulp novel by Lester Dent.)
The Living Fire Menace (Original pulp novel by Lester Dent.)
The Sky Stealers (Marvel Comics’ Doc Savage Magazine 6.)
Devil on the Moon (Original pulp novel by Lester Dent.)
Late December 1936
The Green Death (Original pulp novel by Lester Dent.)
January 1937
The Whistling Wraith (A new novel by Will Murray, which takes place a few weeks after The Motion Menace (October 1936).)
The Yellow Cloud (Original pulp novel by Lester Dent.)
April 1937
The Boss of Terror (Original pulp novel by Lester Dent.)
The Air Lord (Issues 19-21 of DC Comics’ Doc Savage, Volume 2.)
The Case of the Shrieking Skeletons
The Shadow and Doc Savage cross paths again. (Mini-series published by Dark Horse Comics.)
The Forgotten Realm (This new novel by Will Murray takes place in summertime, and several months after Devil on the Moon (September 1936).)
The Mountain Monster (Original pulp novel by Lester Dent.)
Late July
Tunnel Terror (Original pulp novel by Lester Dent.)
Fortress of Solitude
First appearance of villain John Sunlight. (Original pulp novel by Lester Dent.)
The Flaming Falcons (Original pulp novel by Lester Dent.)
The Devil Genghis
Second appearance of John Sunlight. (Original pulp novel by Lester Dent.)
Doc saves Earth from a collision with the asteroid Hermes (The Asteroid Terror, DC Comics’ Doc Savage, Volume 2, issues 22-24).
April 1938
The Other World (Original pulp novel by Lester Dent.)
The Rocketeer
Cliff Secord finds Doc’s rocket pack. (Graphic novel by Dave Stevens.)
The Monarch of Armageddon
John Sunlight and Princess Monja appear in this adventure. (This mini-series written by Mark Ellis was published by Millennium Comics and takes place just after The Rocketeer.)
Hex (Original pulp novel by Lester Dent.)
Late December 1935
Doc Savage: Archenemy of Evil After receiving a telegram from Doc Savage, Sherlock Holmes, in retirement in Sussex, refers to Doc as the greatest student of detection he ever had. Holmes and Watson continue their reminiscences, remembering that they first encountered Doc's father, Savage, Sr., during the case which Watson recorded as The Adventure of the Priory School, which case unfortunately resulted in Savage, Sr.'s expedient flight from England. (Screenplay by Philip José Farmer for the second, unmade, Doc Savage feature film. Although Farmer's screenplay dates these events during Christmastime, 1936, this does not fit into Farmer's own Chronology from Doc Savage: His Apocalyptic Life. Finding an available slot in Rick Lai's Chronology of Bronze, I have placed these events during Christmastime, 1935.)
June 1939
The Flying Goblin (Original pulp novel by Lester Dent.)
Doom Dynasty
Doc Savage fights against the evil villain Doctor Nikola, who somehow had found access to the Kavuru-Siliphium life-extension elixir. Nikola is killed at the conclusion of the adventure. (Mini-series published by Millennium Comics.)
The Purple Dragon (Original pulp novel by Lester Dent.)
Devils of the Deep (Original pulp novel by Lester Dent.)
The Awful Egg (Original pulp novel by Lester Dent.)
The Crimson Plague (Marvel Comics’ Doc Savage Magazine 8.)
The Golden Man (Original pulp novel by Lester Dent.)
May 1941
The Rustling Death (Original pulp novel by Alan Hathway.)
The Mayan Mutations (Marvel Comics’ Doc Savage Magazine 7.)
The Laugh of Death (Original pulp novel by Lester Dent.)
July 1945
Se-Pah-Poo (Original pulp novel by Lester Dent.)
The Discord Makers (prologue) (DC Comics’ Doc Savage, Volume 2, issue 1, pp. 1-8.)
The Screaming Man (Original pulp novel by Lester Dent.)
February 1948
The Red Spider (This adventure by Lester Dent was not included in Farmer's original chronology.)
Marriage of Pat Savage and Rex Hazzard.
November 1948
Up From Earth's Center (Original pulp novel by Lester Dent.)
January 1949
The Frightened Fish (In this new novel by Will Murray, Japan surrendered over three years ago. It is a sequel to The Red Spider, which was almost a year ago, and The Screaming Man, which was over three years ago.)
Doc Savage secretly marries Mayan Princess Monja F'Teema.
Birth of Rex Hazzard, Jr., son of Captain Rex Hazzard and Pat Savage.
July-November 1949
Flight Into Fear (This new novel by Will Murray is a sequel to The Red Spider.)
December 1949
Miles Morgenthal kidnaps Long Tom and subjects him to mind-control gas, causing him to betray Doc (The Mind Molder and The Heritage of Doc Savage).
January 1950
The Heritage of Doc Savage
Doc, battling Heinz Wessel, disappears into an alien transporter and is thought dead by his aides. Monja and the unborn Clark III go to Hidalgo. (Issue 1 of the Doc Savage mini-series published by DC Comics. The August 1945 date is incorrect.)
May 1950
Birth of Clark Savage III. Rumors spread that Monja died in childbirth.
Doc's aides hire Beau Faulkner's father to impersonate Doc. The charade doesn’t last long, and Doc’s "retirement" is announced to the world. Only Doc’s aides know that he is really dead (which, in fact, he really isn’t).
For unknown reasons, Monja sends baby Clark III to New York, and Doc's aides, believing the reports of Monja’s death, raise him.
Doc’s aides run out of Kavuru age-delaying elixir (see Farmer's Doc Savage: His Apocalyptic Life, p. 39) and begin to age normally. The elixir, first administered in 1933, has bought them an extra 25 years of life.
August 1966
The Heritage of Doc Savage
Death of Clark III. (Issue 2, pp. 1-10 of the Doc Savage mini-series published by DC Comics.)
May 1967
Birth of Clark "Chip" Savage IV, grandson of Doc Savage.
Birth of Pam Hazzard, granddaughter of Pat Savage and Captain Rex Hazzard.
September 1970
Invisible Death
The second Prince Zarkon adventure, in which Zarkon visits the Cobalt Club and consults with fellow member Ham Brooks.
April 1971
The Volcano Ogre
In Prince Zarkon's third adventure, he again goes to the Cobalt Club, where he meets with Col. John "Renny" Renwick.
June 1978
The Earth-Shaker
Patricia Savage Hazzard (cousin of Doc Savage), who married pulp hero Captain Rex Hazzard, makes a cameo appearance in the fourth Prince Zarkon adventure.
Horror Wears Blue
Prince Zarkon and his Omega Crew, in London, briefly encounter Doc Savage's aide Monk Mayfair.
Jake Speed
Would-be adventure hero Jake Speed refers to Doc Savage, commenting on his retirement.
Summer 1987
The Heritage of Doc Savage
Doc returns in the alien transporter and defeats Wessel’s scheme. In addition to Ham, Monk, Renny, and Johnny, the team now includes new members Shoshonna Gold and Beau Faulkner. (Issue 2, pp. 11-27, issue 3, and issue 4, pp. 1-26, of the Doc Savage mini-series published by DC Comics.)
December 1987
The Heritage of Doc Savage (epilogue)
Doc belatedly realizes that Long Tom betrayed him back in 1949, and forgives him. (Issue 4, pp. 26-27, of the Doc Savage mini-series published by DC Comics.)
For most of 1988, Doc retrains himself and trains his new aides. With Doc’s return, his aides and family once again have access to the life-extension elixir, which actually begins to slowly reverse the aging process in Ham, Monk, Johnny, and Renny.
December 1988
The Discord Makers (Issues 1-6 of DC Comics’ Doc Savage, Volume 2.)
The Mind Molder
Doc and his team relocate from the Fortress of Solitude back to the Empire State Building. Long Tom is cleared and rejoins the team. Doc and the team also find and rescue Pat, who has been held captive for many months. Presumably, both Pat and Long Tom begin taking the life-extension elixir. Chip Savage leaves and Pam Hazzard, granddaughter of Pat Savage, joins the team. Anton Ivanovich, formerly a Colonel in the Soviet Army, also joins the team. (Issues 7-8 of DC Comics’ Doc Savage, Volume 2.)
The Golden God
Doc finds Monja still alive in Hidalgo. Tragically, she is killed. (Issues 9-10 of DC Comics’ Doc Savage, Volume 2.)
Sunlight Rising
John Sunlight is resurrected. (Issues 11-14 of DC Comics’ Doc Savage, Volume 2.)
The Sea Baron (Issues 15-16 of DC Comics’ Doc Savage, Volume 2.)
August 1990
The Asteroid Terror
Chip Savage returns. Flashbacks to June-July 1908 and October 1937. (Issues 22-24 of DC Comics’ Doc Savage, Volume 2.)
Now please read Arthur C. Sippo's Further Thoughts on the Doc Savage Chronology
Lester Dent
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Lester Dent
Born October 12, 1904
La Plata, Missouri
Died March 11, 1959 (aged 54)
La Plata, Missouri
Occupation Writer
Parents Alice Norfolk
Bernard Dent
Lester Dent (October 12, 1904 – March 11, 1959) was a prolific pulp fiction author of numerous stories, best known as the main author of the series of stories about the superhuman scientist and adventurer, Doc Savage. The stories were credited to the house name Kenneth Robeson.
Contents [hide]
1 Early years
1.1 Writing career
2 Doc Savage Novels
List of Doc Savage novels
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This is a list of Doc Savage novels, created primarily by Lester Dent.
Month Year Novel Title Author
Mar. 1933 The Man of Bronze Lester Dent
Apr. 1933 The Land of Terror Lester Dent
May 1933 Quest of the Spider Lester Dent
Jun. 1933 The Polar Treasure Lester Dent
Jul. 1933 Pirate of the Pacific Lester Dent
Aug. 1933 The Red Skull Lester Dent
Sep. 1933 The Lost Oasis Lester Dent
Oct. 1933 The Sargasso Ogre Lester Dent
Nov. 1933 The Czar of Fear Lester Dent
Dec. 1933 The Phantom City Lester Dent
Jan. 1934 Brand of the Werewolf Lester Dent
Feb. 1934 The Man Who Shook the Earth Lester Dent
Mar. 1934 Meteor Menace Lester Dent
Apr. 1934 The Monsters Lester Dent
May 1934 The Mystery on the Snow Lester Dent
Jun. 1934 The King Maker Harold A. Davis/Lester Dent
Jul. 1934 The Thousand-Headed Man Lester Dent
Aug. 1934 The Squeaking Goblin Lester Dent
Sep. 1934 Fear Cay Lester Dent
Oct. 1934 Death in Silver Lester Dent
Nov. 1934 The Sea Magician Lester Dent
Dec. 1934 The Annihilist Lester Dent
Jan. 1935 The Mystic Mullah Lester Dent
Feb. 1935 Red Snow Lester Dent
Mar. 1935 Land of Always-Night W. Ryerson Johnson/Lester Dent
Apr. 1935 The Spook Legion Lester Dent
May 1935 The Secret in the Sky Lester Dent
Jun. 1935 The Roar Devil Lester Dent
Jul. 1935 Quest of Qui Lester Dent
Aug. 1935 Spook Hole Lester Dent
Sep. 1935 The Majii Lester Dent
Oct. 1935 Dust of Death Harold A. Davis/Lester Dent
Nov. 1935 Murder Melody Lawrence Donovan/Lester Dent
Dec. 1935 The Fantastic Island W.Ryerson Johnson/Lester Dent
Jan. 1936 Murder Mirage Lawrence Donovan/Lester Dent
Feb. 1936 Mystery Under the Sea Lester Dent
Mar. 1936 The Metal Master Lester Dent
Apr. 1936 The Men Who Smiled No More Lester Dent
May 1936 The Seven Agate Devils Lester Dent
Jun. 1936 Haunted Ocean Lester Dent
Jul. 1936 The Black Spot Lester Dent
Aug. 1936 The Midas Man Lester Dent
Sep. 1936 Cold Death Lester Dent
Oct. 1936 The South Pole Terror Lester Dent
Nov. 1936 Resurrection Day Lester Dent
Dec. 1936 The Vanisher Lester Dent
Jan. 1937 Land of Long Ju Ju Lester Dent
Feb. 1937 The Derrick Devil Lester Dent
Mar. 1937 The Mental Wizard Lester Dent
Apr. 1937 The Terror in the Navy Lester Dent
May 1937 Mad Eyes Lester Dent
Jun. 1937 The Land of Fear Harold A. Davis/Lester Dent
Jul. 1937 He Could Stop The World Lester Dent
Aug. 1937 Ost Lester Dent
Sep. 1937 The Feathered Octopus Lester Dent
Oct. 1937 Repel Lester Dent
Nov. 1937 The Sea Angel Lester Dent
Dec. 1937 The Golden Peril Harold A. Davis/Lester Dent
Jan. 1938 The Living Fire Menace Harold A. Davis/Lester Dent
Feb. 1938 The Mountain Monster Harold A. Davis/Lester Dent
Mar. 1938 Devil on the Moon Lester Dent
Apr. 1938 The Pirate's Ghost Lester Dent
May 1938 The Motion Menace W.Ryerson Johnson/Lester Dent
Jun. 1938 The Submarine Mystery Lester Dent
Jul. 1938 The Giggling Ghosts Lester Dent
Aug. 1938 The Munitions Master Lester Dent
Sep. 1938 The Red Terrors Lester Dent
Oct. 1938 Fortress of Solitude Lester Dent
Nov. 1938 The Green Death Lester Dent
Dec. 1938 The Devil Genghis Lester Dent
Jan. 1939 Mad Mesa Lester Dent
Feb. 1939 The Yellow Cloud Lester Dent
Mar. 1939 The Freckled Shark Lester Dent
Apr. 1939 World's Fair Goblin William G. Bogart/Lester Dent
May 1939 The Gold Ogre Lester Dent
Jun. 1939 The Flaming Falcons Lester Dent
Jul. 1939 Merchants of Disaster Lester Dent
Aug. 1938 The Crimson Serpent Lester Dent
Sep. 1939 Poison Island Lester Dent
Oct. 1939 The Stone Man Lester Dent
Nov. 1939 Hex William G. Bogart/Lester Dent
Dec. 1939 The Dagger in the Sky Lester Dent
Jan. 1940 The Other World Lester Dent
Feb. 1940 The Angry Ghost William G. Bogart/Lester Dent
Mar. 1940 The Spotted Men William G. Bogart/Lester Dent
Apr. 1940 The Evil Gnome Lester Dent
May 1940 The Boss of Terror Lester Dent
Jun. 1940 The Awful Egg Lester Dent
Jul. 1940 The Flying Goblin Lester Dent
Aug. 1940 Tunnel Terror Lester Dent
Sep. 1940 The Purple Dragon Harold A. Davis/Lester Dent
Oct. 1940 Devils of the Deep Lester Dent
Nov. 1940 The Awful Dynasty Lester Dent
Dec. 1940 The Men Vanished Lester Dent
Jan. 1941 The Devil's Playground Lester Dent
Feb. 1941 Bequest of Evil Lester Dent
Mar. 1941 The All-White Elf Lester Dent
Apr. 1941 The Golden Man Lester Dent
May 1941 The Pink Lady Lester Dent
Jun. 1941 The Headless Men Lester Dent
Jul. 1941 The Green Eagle Lester Dent
Aug. 1941 Mystery Island Lester Dent
Sep. 1941 The Mindless Monsters Lester Dent
Oct. 1941 Birds of Death Lester Dent
Nov. 1941 The Invisible-Box Murders Lester Dent
Dec. 1941 Peril in the North Lester Dent
Jan. 1942 The Rustling Death Lester Dent
Feb. 1942 Men of Fear Lester Dent
Mar. 1942 The Too-Wise Owl Lester Dent
Apr. 1942 The Magic Forest William G. Bogart/Lester Dent
May 1942 Pirate Isle Lester Dent
Jun. 1942 The Speaking Stone Lester Dent
Jul. 1942 The Man Who Fell Up Lester Dent
Aug. 1942 The Three Wild Men Lester Dent
Sep. 1942 The Fiery Menace Lester Dent
Oct. 1942 The Laugh of Death Lester Dent
Nov. 1942 They Died Twice Lester Dent
Dec. 1942 The Devil's Black Rock Lester Dent
Jan. 1943 The Time Terror Lester Dent
Feb. 1943 Waves of Death Lester Dent
Mar. 1943 The Black, Black Witch Lester Dent
Apr. 1943 The King of Terror Lester Dent
May 1943 The Talking Devil Lester Dent
Jun. 1943 The Running Skeletons Lester Dent
Jul. 1943 Mystery on Happy Bones Lester Dent
Aug. 1943 The Mental Monster Lester Dent
Sep. 1943 Hell Below Lester Dent
Oct. 1943 The Goblins Lester Dent
Nov. 1943 The Secret of the Su Lester Dent
Dec. 1943 The Spook of Grandpa Eben Lester Dent
Jan. 1944 According to Plan of a One-Eyed Mystic Lester Dent
Feb. 1944 Death Had Yellow Eyes Lester Dent
Mar. 1944 The Derelict of Skull Shoal Lester Dent
Apr. 1944 The Whisker of Hercules Lester Dent
May 1944 The Three Devils Lester Dent
Jun. 1944 The Pharaoh's Ghost Lester Dent
Jul. 1944 The Man Who Was Scared Lester Dent
Aug. 1944 The Shape of Terror Lester Dent
Sep. 1944 Weird Valley Lester Dent
Oct. 1944 Jiu San Lester Dent
Nov. 1944 Satan Black Lester Dent
Dec. 1944 The Lost Giant Lester Dent
Jan. 1945 Violent Night Lester Dent
Feb. 1945 Strange Fish Lester Dent
Mar. 1945 The Ten Ton Snakes Lester Dent
Apr. 1945 Cargo Unknown Lester Dent
May 1945 Rock Sinister Lester Dent
Jun. 1945 The Terrible Stork Lester Dent
Jul. 1945 King Joe Cay Lester Dent
Aug. 1945 The Wee Ones Lester Dent
Sep. 1945 Terror Takes 7 Lester Dent
Oct. 1945 The Thing That Pursued Lester Dent
Nov. 1945 Trouble on Parade Lester Dent
Dec. 1945 The Screaming Man Lester Dent
Jan. 1946 Measures for a Coffin Lester Dent
Feb. 1946 Se-Pah-Poo Lester Dent
Mar. 1946 Terror and the Lonely Widow Lester Dent
Apr. 1946 Five Fathoms Dead Lester Dent
May 1946 Death is a Round Black Spot Lester Dent
Jun. 1946 Colors for Murder Lester Dent
Jul. 1946 Fire and Ice William G. Bogart/Lester Dent
Aug. 1946 Three Times a Corpse Lester Dent
Sep. 1946 The Exploding Lake Harold A. Davis/Lester Dent
Oct. 1946 Death in Little Houses William G. Bogart/Lester Dent
Nov. 1946 The Devil Is Jones Lester Dent
Dec. 1946 The Disappearing Lady Lester Dent
Jan. 1947 Target for Death Lester Dent
Feb. 1947 The Death Lady Lester Dent
Mar. 1947 Danger Lies East Lester Dent
May 1947 No Light to Die By Lester Dent
Jul. 1947 The Monkey Suit Lester Dent
Sep. 1947 Let's Kill Ames Lester Dent
Nov. 1947 Once Over Lightly Lester Dent
Jan. 1948 I Died Yesterday Lester Dent
Mar. 1948 The Pure Evil Lester Dent
May 1948 Terror Wears No Shoes Lester Dent
Jul. 1948 The Angry Canary Lester Dent
Sep. 1948 The Swooning Lady Lester Dent
Jan. 1949 The Green Master Lester Dent
Apr. 1949 Return From Cormoral Lester Dent
Jul. 1949 Up From Earth's Center Lester Dent
Jul. 1979 The Red Spider Lester Dent
Aug. 1991 Escape from Loki Philip José Farmer
Oct. 1991 Python Isle Lester Dent/Will Murray
Mar. 1992 White Eyes Lester Dent/Will Murray
Jul. 1992 The Frightened Fish Lester Dent/Will Murray
Oct. 1992 The Jade Ogre Lester Dent/Will Murray
Mar. 1993 Flight into Fear Lester Dent/Will Murray
Jul. 1993 The Whistling Wraith Lester Dent/Will Murray
Nov. 1993 The Forgotten Realm Lester Dent/Will Murray
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List of Doc Savage radio episodes
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Doc Savage made it to the radio three times 1934-35, 1943, and 1985. The 1934-35 episodes were 15 minutes each and were written by Lester Dent. Episodes 27-52 were repeats of the 1934 episodes. The 1943 episodes were 30 minutes long. Episodes 76-78 were repeats of selected 1943 episodes. The 1985 National Public Radio episodes were 30 minutes each. They were two series, Fear Cay (Episodes 79-85) and The Thousand-Headed Man (Episodes 86-91).
Episode # Air date Title
1 02/10/1934 The Red Death
2 02/17/1934 The Golden Legacy
3 02/24/1934 The Red Lake Quest
4 03/03/1934 The Sniper in The Sky
5 03/10/1934 The Evil Extortionists
6 03/17/1934 Black-Light Magic
7 03/24/1934 Radium Scramble
8 03/31/1934 Death Had Blue Hands
9 04/07/1934 The Sinister Sleep
10 04/14/1934 The Southern Star Mystery
11 04/21/1934 The Impossible Bullet
12 04/28/1934 The Too-talkative Parrot
13 05/05/1934 The Blue Angel
14 05/12/1934 The Green Ghost
15 05/19/1934 The Box of Fear
16 05/26/1934 The Phantom Terror
17 06/02/1934 Mantrap Mesa
18 06/09/1934 Fast Workers
19 06/16/1934 Needle in a Chinese Haystack
20 06/23/1934 Monk Called it Justice
21 06/30/1934 The White Haired Devil
22 07/07/1934 The Oilfield Ogres
23 07/14/1934 The Fainting Lady
24 07/21/1934 Poison Cargo
25 07/28/1934 Find Curley Morgan
26 08/04/1934 The Growing Wizard
53 01/06/1943 Doc Savage
54 01/13/1943 Return From Death
55 01/20/1943 Note of Death
56 01/27/1943 Murder Charm
57 02/03/1943 Death Stalks The Morgue
58 02/10/1943 I'll Dance On Your Grave
59 02/17/1943 Murder Is a Business
60 02/24/1943 Living Evil
61 03/03/1943 Journey Into Oblivion
62 03/10/1943 Hour of Murder
63 03/17/1943 Pharaoh's Wisdom
64 03/24/1943 Society Amazonia
65 03/31/1943 Insect Menace
66 04/07/1943 Subway to Hell
67 04/14/1943 Monster of The Sea
68 04/21/1943 The Voice That Cried 'Kill!'
69 04/28/1943 Cult of Satan
70 05/05/1943 When Dead Men Walk
71 05/12/1943 The Screeching Ghost
72 05/19/1943 Ransom or Death
73 05/26/1943 Murder Man
74 06/02/1943 Miracle Maniac
75 06/09/1943 Skull Man
79 09/30/1985 Kidnapped
80 10/07/1985 The Hanging Man
81 10/14/1985 The Disappointing Parcel
82 10/21/1985 The Island of Death
83 10/28/1985 Terror Underground
84 11/04/1985 The Mysterious Weeds
85 11/11/1985 The Crawling Terror
86 11/18/1985 The Black Stick
87 11/25/1985 Three Black Sticks
88 12/02/1985 Flight Into Fear
89 12/09/1985 Pagoda of The Hands
90 12/16/1985 The Accursed City
91 12/23/1985 The Deadly Treasure
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Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze
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Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze
Ron Ely as Doc Savage
Directed by Michael Anderson
Produced by George Pál
Written by Lester Dent (novel)
Joe Morhaim
George Pal
Narrated by Paul Frees
Starring Ron Ely
Music by Don Black (lyrics)
Frank De Vol
Cinematography Fred J. Koenekamp
Editing by Thomas J. McCarthy
Distributed by Warner Bros.
Release date(s) June 1975
Running time 112 min.
Country US
Language English
Allmovie profile
IMDb profile
Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze is a 1975 camp action film starring Ron Ely as pulp hero Doc Savage. This was the last film completed by pioneering science-fiction producer George Pál.
Contents [hide]
1 Plot summary
2 Cast
3 Production background
3.1 Goodson-Todman Aborted 1966 Film
3.2 George Pál's 1975 theatrical film
3.3 Thematic issues
4 Reaction
5 Future productions
5.1 Other productions
6 Awards
7 Home Video
8 Selected quotes and dialogue
9 Trivia
10 References
11 External Links & Sources
[edit] Plot summary
Doc Savage (Ron Ely) returns to New York City following a visit to his Arctic hideaway. He learns that his father has died under mysterious circumstances while exploring the Central American Republic of Hidalgo. While examining his father's personal papers, Doc finds himself the target of an assassination attempt.
Doc Savage chases and corners the sniper on the nearby Eastern Craymore Building, but the would-be assassin loses his footing and falls to his death. Examining the body, Doc discovers that his assailant is a Native American with peculiar markings; his fingertips are red, as if dipped in blood, while his chest bears an elaborate tattoo of the ancient Mayan god Kukulcan.
Returning to his penthouse headquarters, Doc finds that intruders have destroyed his father's personal papers. Vowing to solve his father's murder, Doc Savage flies to Hidalgo with the The Fabulous Five, his brain trust.
Waiting for Doc Savage's arrival is the international criminal and smuggler Captain Seas (Paul Wexler) who repeatedly attempts to kill Doc and his friends, culminating in a wild melee onboard his yacht, the Seven Seas.
Doc's investigation uncovers that, years ago, Professor Savage received a vast land grant in the unexplored interior of Hidalgo from the Quetzamal, a Mayan tribe that disappeared 500 years ago. However, Don Rubio Gorro (Bob Corso) of the local government informs Doc that all records to the land transaction are missing. Doc receives unexpected help from Gorro's assistant, Mona (Pamela Hensley), who saw the original papers and offers to lead Doc and his friends to the land claim.
Following clues left by his father, Doc and his friends locate the hidden entrance into a valley where the lost Quetzamal tribe lives. Doc separates from the group and finds a pool of molten gold. Doc also learns that Captain Seas is using the Quetzamal natives as slave labor to extract the gold for himself.
Meanwhile, Seas' men capture Mona and The Fabulous Five, and Seas unleashes the Green Death, the same airborne plague that killed Doc's father and keeps the Quetzamal tribe under his control.
Final Showdown: Captain Seas vs. Doc SavageDoc overpowers the Captain after a protracted clash of different fighting styles and forces Seas to release his friends, whom Doc then treats with a special antidote. Seeing their leader captured, the Captain's men try to escape with the gold, but exploding dynamite causes the pool of gold to erupt, covering the henchmen, including Don Rubio Gorro, in molten metal.
Freed from Captain Seas, Chief Chaac (Victor Millan) offers the gold and land grant to Doc, who replies, "I promise to continue my father's work ... his ideals. With this limitless wealth at my disposal, I shall be able to devote my life to the cause of justice."
Doc Savage returns to the United States and performs acupuncture brain surgery on Captain Seas to cure him of his criminal behavior. Later, during Christmas season, Doc Savage encounters the former supervillain, who is now a bandleader for the Salvation Army, flanked by his former paramours Adriana and Karen.
Arriving back at his penthouse from shopping, Doc hears an urgent message about a new threat that could cost millions of lives.
Doc Savage leaps into action and speeds to his next adventure.
[edit] Cast
Doc Savage and his brain trust, the Fabulous Five
Ron Ely as Doc Savage (foreground), with (background, left to right) Eldon Quick as Johnny, Darrell Zwerling as Ham, William Lucking as Renny, Michael Miller (actor) as Monk, and Paul Gleason as Long TomRon Ely as Clark "Doc" Savage Jr.
Paul Gleason as Major Thomas J. "Long Tom" Roberts
William Lucking as Colonel John "Renny" Renwick
Michael Miller as Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Blodgett "Monk" Mayfair
Eldon Quick as Professor William Harper "Johnny" Littlejohn
Darrell Zwerling as Brigadier General Theodore Marley "Ham" Brooks
Paul Wexler as Captain Seas
Pamela Hensley as Mona
Bob Corso as Don Rubio Gorro
Federico Roberto as El Presidente Don Carlos Avispa
Janice Heiden as Adriana
Robyn Hilton as Karen
Victor Millan as King Chaac
Paul Frees as Narrator (uncredited)
Other noteworthy casting included:
Cult actor Robert Tessier as one of Captain Seas’ henchmen.
Cult actor Michael Berryman as Juan Lopez Morales, Hidalgo's chief coroner.
Legendary stuntman Dar Robinson as the would-be Mayan assassin.
Carlos Rivas, who played the renegade Mayan shaman Kulkan, also appeared in episodes "The Ultimate Duel" and "Perils of Tanga" of the 1966 TV series NBC series Tarzan starring Ron Ely.
Grace Stafford, the wife of animation producer Walter Lantz, played an elderly woman who was helped across the street by a Boy Scout near the end of the film. George Pál and Lantz were good friends, and Lantz’s most famous creation, Woody Woodpecker, often made a cameo appearance in Pál's films. Ms. Stafford provided the voice for Woody Woodpecker.
[edit] Production background
[edit] Goodson-Todman Aborted 1966 Film
1966 Gold Key comic book with cover by James BamaAs co-creator of Doc Savage, author Lester Dent retained the radio, film, and television rights to the character as part of his contract with Street and Smith Publications, publishers of the Doc Savage pulp magazine. Although Dent succeeded in launching a short-lived radio program, he was never able to interest Hollywood in a Doc Savage film. Upon Dent's death in 1959, his widow, Norma Dent, acquired the radio, film, and television rights to Doc Savage.
The production team of Mark Goodson and Bill Todman announced the intention to produce a Doc Savage film to cash in on the popularity of the re-issued pulp novels by Bantam Books and the James Bond craze sweeping the movies.
The film would be based on the July 1934 pulp novel The Thousand-Headed Man, with Chuck Connors as Doc, for a 1966 release.
Unfortunately, the producers and Condé Nast Publications, the new copyright owner to Doc Savage brand, failed to secure the film rights from the estate of Lester Dent. By the time the legal issues had been resolved, the production team and cast had moved on to do the offbeat western Ride Beyond Vengeance.
Only the now-rare, one-shot comic book movie tie-in published by Gold Key, with cover artwork by James Bama, remains to mark this aborted film undertaking (see Photo,right).
[edit] George Pál's 1975 theatrical film
George Pál's 1975 film Doc SavageProducer George Pál secured the film and television rights from Norma Dent with the intention of launching a film franchise like the James Bond movies. Ever the businessman, Pál envisioned marketing and production savings from such a series, with an eventual sell to television to recoup any back-end costs, followed by an eventual television series, just as Sy Weintraub had done with Tarzan and Irwin Allen with Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea. However, to make a franchise work, the first movie had to be successful.
George Pál and Joe Morhaim wrote the screenplay based on The Man of Bronze, the first Doc Savage adventure, with additional story elements from other Doc Savage adventures, such as the November 1938 novel The Green Death and the January 1935 novel The Mystic Mullah.
The villainous Captain Seas, played by Paul Wexler, was based on the flamboyant and brutal Captain Flamingo from the February 1936 pulp novel Mystery of the Sea. This should not be confused with the Canadian television character Captain Flamingo.
English director Michael Anderson would helm the first Doc Savage movie. His specialty was action-adventure films, such as Dam Busters, Battle Hell, The Wreck of the Mary Deare, and Operation Crossbow. His most noteworthy effort had been Around the World in Eighty Days, the Best Picture of 1956.
Although there were reports that Pál planned to do location filming in Central America, principal photography was confined to southern California. Scenes involving the fictitious Eastern Cranmoor Building in New York City were filmed underneath the clock tower of the art deco Eastern Columbia Building in downtown Los Angeles.
Ron Ely's involvement extended beyond starring in the lead role. He reportedly directed several second unit sequences, including staging the fight onboard Captain Seas' yacht Seven Seas, which featured stuntman Dick Durock who later starred in the Swamp Thing films and television series. Also, the portrait of Professor Clark Savage, Sr., in Doc's penthouse headquarters actually shows actor Ron Ely wearing a vintage safari outfit and pith helmet, with a handlebar moustache.
Paul Frees, who provided the uncredited voice-over narration for the opening title sequence, also made a rare on-screen appearance in the 1953 version of War of the Worlds as well as performing the narration and other voice work for the 1960 fantasy film Atlantis, the Lost Continent, both produced by George Pál.
The film features a rare Cord Model 810 coupe and a vintage Douglas DC-3 aircraft.
[edit] Thematic issues
Homage to the pulps
Homage to the pulps: Iconic image of Doc Savage on the running board of his Cord Model 810 coupeDoc Savage: The Man of Bronze was visually faithful to the novels and characters, which included such elements as:
Doc's trilling (although it sounded like bells tinkling rather than a more life-like trilling (such as a cat purring)
Bickering between Monk and Ham
Renny's signature expletive "Holy Cow!"
Renny's love of slamming his fists through solidly constructed doors or door-panels.
Monk's pet pig, Habeas Corpus
Doc's Fortress of Solitude
The penthouse headquarters on the 86th floor of the Empire State Building.
The Crime College and Doc's brain surgery techniques to remove the criminal element from crooks he'd captured, making them incapable of committing further crimes.
Doc's dramatic descent down a skyscraper elevator shaft
Doc's daily two-hour exercise regime
Doc standing on an automobile's running board in hot pursuit (see photo, right)
Johnny's use of long, obscure words when simple words would suffice.
A plethora of retro gadgetry such as heat detector, globes of fire-fighting chemicals (extinguisher globes), phonograph-based recording machine, remote-controlled aircraft, a ray gun disguised as a cigarette lighter, lightweight bullet-proof vests, miniaturized SCUBA-type underwater breathing gear, and the Whizzer, a prototype helicopter--all his inventions and designs.
Some aspects of the Doc Savage mythos were modified for the movie, including:
The film takes place in 1936, but the original pulp novel was published in March 1933. Most Doc Savage chronologies place the events in The Man of Bronze in early 1931 prior to the official opening of the Empire State Building, the implicit location of Doc's 86th floor penthouse headquarters.
The film does not mention that Doc's father, Professor Clark Savage, Sr., was instrumental in raising his son from the cradle to become the supreme adventurer under the tutelage of a blue-ribbon group of distinguished scientists.
Seven Seas is actually the name of Doc Savage's private motor yacht in the pulp novels written by Lester Dent.
Finally, Long Tom (Paul Gleason) mentions that Monk, Ham, Renny, Johnny, and he first met Doc Savage while fighting in the trenches during World War I and vowed to work together against evil-doers after the war. The 1991 novel Escape From Loki by Philip José Farmer retroactively tells the story of how Doc first met the The Fabulous Five in a high-security German POW camp in 1918.
High camp
High camp: Twinkle in his eye?Debate continues who was responsible for the camp content of Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze, the studio or George Pál and his production team. Among the many examples of over-the-top camp are:
Don Rubio Gorro (Bob Corso) rocking himself to sleep in an adult-sized baby crib, with Beautiful Dreamer as its musical cue.
The animated twinkle in the eye of Doc Savage (Ron Ely) at the beginning of the film (see photo, right) and later when Doc tells Mona (Pamela Hensley) that she was a brick.
Using "La Cucaracha", played by a flute in an up-tempo musical cue, during the attempted escape of Captain Seas' henchmen from the Valley of the Vanished.
Adding an applause soundtrack following Doc's recitation of his personal code (see Selected quotes and dialogue below for the text).
Music & Lyrics: Have no fear! The Man of Bronze is here!The film is remembered for its theme song arranged by Frank De Vol around John Philip Sousa's The Thunderer. Sousa’s music was intended to evoke a patriotic theme for Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze and attempted to emulate the success that director George Roy Hill and composer Marvin Hamlisch had achieved when they used the ragtime music of Scott Joplin for the 1975 caper film The Sting. Both Sousa and Joplin were turn-of-the-century contemporaries, and their music were not contemporaneous to the period that these 1930s nostalgia films were set.
Lyrics of the Doc Savage March by Don Black are as follows:
Have no fear! The man of bronze is here!
Peace will come to all who find --
Doc Savage! Doc Savage!
He's a friend to all mankind,
Pure of heart and mind!
Who will make crime disappear?
Doc Savage! Doc Savage!
Conqueror and pioneer.
Thank the lord he's here!
Doc made a vow
That helps us all, so let's recall it now!
The oath that he swore
Said life would be
So sweet and free once more!
Our hero has come!
Let's all join in
As we begin the big parade!
So bang on your drum
And raise your flag
'Cause history is being made!
The credit acknowledging Sousa's score has the letters "USA" of his last name highlighted in red, white, and blue.
[edit] Reaction
Sub-standard Special Effects: The Green Death strikes againProducer George Pál reported to Edward Felipe in the magazine Castle of Frankenstein that "We made it too good." However, Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze proved to be inferior in every production category - set design, art direction, costuming, hair style - to Chinatown, The Sting, Murder on the Orient Express, and other 1930s nostalgia films released during this period. Even Pál's trademark visual effects and matte paintings were mediocre, with the depiction of the Green Death as animated serpentine vapors being particularly unconvincing (see image at right).
The decision by Warner Brothers to shift the release date from the Spring of 1974 to Easter 1975 denoted a lack of confidence in the production and its box office potential. However, a 16-page press kit was prepared, and Ron Ely participated in a press junket that included an appearance in the WSB-TV annual Fourth of July parade in Atlanta, Georgia.
Reviews were scathing, with Daily Variety noting: "Execrable acting, dopey action sequences, and clumsy attempts at camp humor mark George Pal's Doc Savage as the kind of kiddie film that gives the G rating a bad name."
The movie proved to be a disappointment for both die-hard Doc Savage fans and the general public. The film did not do well at the box office, and it soon disappeared in a summer dominated by the blockbuster box office of Jaws.
[edit] Future productions
Future productions: Doc Savage: Arch Enemy of EvilA sequel, Doc Savage: The Arch Enemy of Evil, was announced at e conclusion of The Man of Bronze (see photo, right). Based on a screenplay by Joe Morhaim, and according to contemporary news accounts, it had been filmed in the Lake Tahoe area simultaneously with the principal photography for the first Doc Savage.
According to the screenplay that was posted on the Internet, the sequel was based very loosely on the October 1934 pulp novel Death in Silver, which also featured a deformed, German-speaking supervillain and a man-eating octopus found in the September 1937 pulp novel The Feathered Octopus. However, due to the poor reception of the first film, Doc Savage: The Arch Enemy of Evil was never completed or released.
Another script was written by Philip José Farmer, and included a meeting between Doc and a retired Sherlock Holmes in 1936, but it was never filmed.
[edit] Other productions
Following the box-office success of the 1999 remake of The Mummy, Castle Rock Entertainment announced plans to produce a new Doc Savage movie with Warner Brothers and Universal Studios. Film-makers Frank Darabont and Chuck Russell would supervise the production, based on a screenplay by Brett Hill and David Johnson, with Arnold Schwarzenegger attached to play Doc.
However, with Schwarzenegger now serving his second term as governor of California, and both Darabont and Russell involved in other projects, this remake appears to be improbable.
In late 2006, director-producer Sam Raimi announced plans to make a film involving several Street and Smith pulp heroes, including The Shadow, The Avenger, and Doc Savage. A screenplay is being written by Siavash Farahani (Ruse) but no plot details were available.
[edit] Awards
Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze received the 1974-1975 Golden Scroll for Best Fantasy Film from the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Films.
[edit] Home Video
Home Video: Doc Savage: The Man of BronzeDoc Savage: The Man of Bronze was initially released by Warner Home Video in a clamshell box, at the time denoting a family film, with cover art (see photo, right) designed to capitalize on the success of Raiders of the Lost Ark. Although the film was also released onto Laserdisc, but to date, not onto DVD.
[edit] Selected quotes and dialogue
Doc Savage: Do a Barney Oldfield, Long Tom!
Monk Mayfair: Have no fear! Doc Savage is here!
A sampling of Johnny Littlejohn's neo-verbalisms
Johnny Littlejohn: An absolute absence of ambulation.
Johnny Littlejohn: Well, I'll be superamalgamated! I thought I knew the markings of every tribe on Earth, but I've never seen anything like this before.
Johnny Littlejohn: An unravelable configuration of knots.
Voicing support for Doc's code
Johnny Littlejohn: That's precisely the point. Here's an indefectible opportunity to use our skills for something more important than just our own selfish gain.
When asked about the dead Mayan's identity
Monk Mayfair: One thing's for sure: he ain't no native New Yorker.
Ham Brooks: The word is isn't.
Monk Mayfair: Isn't, ain't, what's the difference?
Doc Savage's Code
Doc Savage: Before we go ... let us remember our code. Let us strive every moment of our lives to make ourselves better and better to the best of our abilities so that all may profit by it. Let us think of the right and lend our assistance to all who may need it, with no regard for anything but justice. Let us take what comes with a smile, without loss of courage. Let us be considerate of our country, our fellow citizens, and our associates in everything we say and do. Let us do right to all - and wrong no man.
When asked about his business
Captain Seas: It changes from day to day ... But basically, what I do is recognize opportunities and seize them.
Monk Mayfair: That why they call you Captain Seas?
Captain Seas: Very good! (laughter) No. I've made so many voyages to all corners of the world, that I adopted the name Seas. S-E-A-S. My real name is absolutely unpronounceable.
On table etiquette
Monk Mayfair: What a meal. You mind if I loosen my belt?
Ham Brooks: You'll have to forgive my friend. As a child, he was so busy studying chemistry, he never learned any manners.
On facing machine guns
Renny Renwick: Holy cow! Into the drink!
After slapping Ham Brooks
Captain Seas: This is the law here, Harvard man! The law of the jungle.
Renny Renwick: This place gives me the heebie-jeebies. We got to bust out of here.
Johnny Littlejohn: An unconfuted veracity, but how, may I ask, with our hands tied behind our backs and locked in this-- that's it!
On the sacrifices that Doc made
Mona: But I want to go with you. I'm not afraid, Doc.
Doc Savage: Well, I know you're not ... But for your own safety, I think it's best you remain here, this village with your own people.
Mona: I love you.
Doc Savage: Ah, there's no room in my life for love, Mona. There was a girl once. We were to be married. She was kidnapped by the men I had been pursuing. They threatened to kill her if I didn't drop the chase. I gave in. I had to. Later, when she was returned safely to me, I realized there could never be a future for us. I realized if I were to do what I had chosen with my life, there could never be a loved one who could be used against me ... Or harmed because of me. Do you understand?
Mona: I suppose so.
Doc Savage: Mona, you're a brick!
[edit] Trivia
Trivia sections are discouraged under Wikipedia guidelines.
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Pamela Hensley as Mona and Ron Ely as Doc SavagePamela Hensley made her film debut in this motion picture.
Darrell Zwerling and Federico Roberto appeared in another 1930s nostalgia film, the 1974 film noir retro classic Chinatown, with Zwerling playing Hollis Mulwray, the murdered water commissioner.
[edit] References
“Remember The Doc Savage Movie Disaster?” by Will Murray. The Bronze Gazette (Vol. 1, No. 1) March 12, 1992.
"The Doctor is in! Doc Savage" by Michael A. Beck. Baby Boomer Collectibles (April 1996)
“The Bronze Age” by Will Murray from James Van Hise, ed., Pulp Heroes of the Thirties, 2nd edition (Yucca Valley, CA: self-published, 1997).
Philip José Farmer. Doc Savage: His Apocalyptic Life (New York, NY: Bantam Books, 1975).
[edit] External Links & Sources
Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze at the Internet Movie Database
Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze at Allmovie
1975 Film
[1] Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze - Trivia - IMDb
[2] ThePulp.Net's Doc Savage movie page
[3] Hidalgo Trading Company website - Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze page
[4] Doc Savage The Man of Bronze - On-line Movie Graphic Novel
[5] Moria: Doc Savage Movie Page
[6] Weird Sci-Fi – Doc Savage Movie Review
[7] Listing of George Pal Papers, 1937-1986
[8] Daily Variety review - January 1, 1975
[9] Obscure Facts about George Pal
[10] DVD Late Show: Twenty MIA Movies I Want on DVD
[11] Cinema.de (German)
[12] Doc Savage The Supreme Adventurer
Doc Savage page @ The Time Machine Project
Movie Trailer @ IMBD (1:23)
Sequels & possible remakes
[13] Doc Savage 2005
[14] Mania.com Development Hell – Doc Savage
[15] Mania.com – Sam Raimi finds more superheroes?
[16] Wold Newton Universe
[17] A Lester Dent Bibliography by Will Murray
[18] Philip Jose Farmer's Basement: Original Manuscripts
[19] Ain't It Cool Cool News - July 7, 1999
[20] Doc Savage Bibliography - Movies
[hide]v • d • eMichael Anderson
1940s Private Angelo
1950s Waterfront • Hell Is Sold Out • Night Was Our Friend • Will Any Gentleman...? • The House of the Arrow • The Dam Busters • 1984 • Around the World in Eighty Days • Yangtse Incident • Chase a Crooked Shadow • Shake Hands with the Devil • The Wreck of the Mary Deare
1960s All the Fine Young Cannibals • The Naked Edge • Flight from Ashiya • Wild and Wonderful • Operation Crossbow • The Quiller Memorandum • The Shoes of the Fisherman
1970s Pope Joan • Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze • Conduct Unbecoming • Logan's Run • Orca • Dominique
1980s Murder by Phone • Second Time Lucky • Separate Vacations • The Jeweller's Shop • Millennium
1990s Summer of the Monkeys • The Adventures of Pinocchio
Television The Martian Chronicles (1980) • Sword of Gideon (1986) • Young Catherine (1991) • Scales of Justice (1990) • The Sea Wolf (1993) • Rugged Gold (1994) • Captains Courageous (1996) • 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1997)
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Categories: 1975 films | Action films | Adventure films | American films | English-language films | Warner Bros. films | Doc Savage | Films set in the 1930s
Doc Savage: The Arch Enemy of Evil (film)
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Coming Attractions: Doc Savage: The Arch Enemy of EvilDoc Savage: The Arch Enemy of Evil was announced as the sequel to the 1975 George Pál-produced film Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze at the conclusion of that film prior to the end credits.
According to the screenplay by Joe Morhaim that was posted on the Internet, as well as other archival and news accounts, Doc Savage: The Arch Enemy of Evil was based very loosely on the October 1934 pulp novel Death in Silver. Doc Savage: The Arch Enemy of Evil would feature a deformed, German-speaking supervillain, whose pet man-eating octopus was a nod to a similar plot element in the September 1937 pulp novel The Feathered Octopus.[1]
In fact, this screenplay was originally intended to be filmed as the first Doc Savage movie. However, producer George Pál commissioned a second script based on the first Doc Savage pulp novel, The Man of Bronze, because he felt the movie-going audience needed more background information about Doc and his origin.[2][3]
Contemporary news accounts indicated that Doc Savage: The Arch Enemy of Evil had been filmed in the Lake Tahoe area simultaneously with the principal photography for the first Doc Savage film.[4][5] However, due to the poor reception of the first film, Doc Savage: The Arch Enemy of Evil was never completed or released.[6]
Another screenplay was written by Philip José Farmer based on the January 1936 pulp novel Murder Mirage[7] It included a potential Wold Newton Universe cross-over involving a meeting between Doc Savage and a retired Sherlock Holmes in 1936. In any case, this screenplay was never filmed.[8][9]
Finally, in anticipation of a proposed Doc Savage TV series, George Pál commissioned a two-part teleplay by Alvin Sapinsley based on the May 1935 pulp novel The Secret in the Sky. The teleplay was completed in January 1975, but due to the poor reception of the first Doc Savage film, a pilot was never filmed.[10]
Contents [hide]
1 Notes
2 References
3 Sea also
4 External Links & Sources
[edit] Notes
^ A Lester Dent Bibliography by Will Murray, page 23
^ Doc Savage Bibliography - Movies
^ Doc Savage page @ The Time Machine Project
^ Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze - Trivia @ IMDb
^ Doc Savage Bibliography - Movies
^ Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze - Trivia @ IMDb
^ "Intermission" by Will Murray in Doc Savage # 11 (Encinitas. CA: Nostalgia Ventures, 2007)
^ Philip Jose Farmer's Basement: Original Manuscripts
^ Wold Newton Universe
^ Doc Savage (1975):Box 1, Folder 5 - Listing of George Pal Papers, 1937-1986 @ Arts Library Special Collections, UCLA
[edit] References
“Remember The Doc Savage Movie Disaster?” by Will Murray. The Bronze Gazette (Vol. 1, No. 1) March 12, 1992.
"The Doctor is in! Doc Savage" by Michael A. Beck. Baby Boomer Collectibles (April 1996)
"The Bronze Age" by Will Murray from James Van Hise, ed., Pulp Heroes of the Thirties, 2nd edition (Yucca Valley, CA: self-published, 1997).
Gail Morgan Hickman. The Films of George Pal (South Brunswick, NJ: A.S. Barnes & Co., 1977) ISBN: 0498019608
Philip José Farmer. Doc Savage: His Apocalyptic Life (New York, NY: Bantam Books, 1975).
[edit] Sea also
Doc Savage
Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze (film)
Death in Silver (Doc Savage)
[edit] External Links & Sources
Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze - Trivia @ Internet Movie Database
Wold Newton Universe
A Lester Dent Bibliography by Will Murray, page 23
Philip Jose Farmer's Basement: Original Manuscripts
Doc Savage Bibliography - Movies
Doc Savage (1975) - Listing of George Pal Papers, 1937-1986 @ Arts Library Special Collections, UCLA, as listed on the Online Archive of California
Doc Savage page @ The Time Machine Project
Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doc_Savage:_The_Arch_Enemy_of_Evil_%28film%29"
3 References
[edit] Early years
Dent was born in 1904 in La Plata, Missouri. He was the only child of Bernard Dent, a rancher, and Alice Norfolk, a teacher before her marriage. The Dents had been living in Wyoming for some time, but had returned to La Plata so that Mrs. Dent could be with her family during the birth. The Dents returned to Wyoming in 1906, where they worked a ranch near Pumpkin Buttes, Wyoming.
Dent's early years were spent in the lonely hills of Wyoming. He attended a local one-room school house, often paying for tuition with furs that he had caught. He had few companions or friends; this early loneliness may have helped develop his talents as a story-teller.
Around 1919, the Dent family returned to La Plata for good, where Dent's father took up dairy farming. Dent completed his elementary and secondary education there.
In 1923, Dent enrolled at Chillicothe Business College in Chillicothe, Missouri. His original goal was to become a banker. However, while standing in the application line, he began talking to a fellow applicant about career options. He found out that the starting salary for a telegraph operator was $20 a week more than a bank clerk, so he changed his major to telegraphy. After completing the course, he taught at CBC for a short time.
In 1924, Dent became a telegraph operator for Western Union in Carrollton, Missouri. In 1925, he moved to Ponca City, Oklahoma, to work as a telegrapher for Empire Oil and Gas Company. It was in Ponca City that he met his future wife Norma Gersling. They were married on August 9, 1925.
[edit] Writing career
In 1926, the Dents moved to Chickasha, Oklahoma, where Dent worked as a telegrapher for the Associated Press. One of Dent's co-workers had published a story in a pulp magazine, earning the huge sum (for that time) of $450. Dent, a voracious reader, was very familiar with pulp magazines of the day, and was sure he could write as least as well, if not better. He took advantage of the slow time during the graveyard shift to write. His first professional sale was an action story entitled "Pirate Cay"; it appeared in the September 1929 issue of Top Notch magazine.
Shortly after the publication of his story, Dent was contacted by Dell Publishing in New York City. They were willing to offer him $500 a month if he would write exclusively for their magazines. Dent, stunned by the good fortune, took some time considering the offer, but eventually accepted. The Dents relocated to New York, arriving January 1, 1931. Dent quickly learned the trade of the pulp author, teaching himself how to write quickly and with few rewrites. He soon surpassed Dell's needs, and began writing for the other pulp chains.
In 1932, Henry Ralston of Street and Smith Publications contacted Dent with a proposition for a new magazine. Ralston had scored a great success with The Shadow magazine, and was interested in developing a second title around a central character. He had in mind a gadget oriented detective, which appealed to Dent's love of gimmicks. While Dent was unhappy that his stories would be published under a house name, he found it hard to turn down the $500 per novel (which would later increase to $750), and accepted Ralston's offer.
Issue Number 1 of Doc Savage magazine hit the stands in March, 1933; within 6 months it was one of the top selling pulp magazines on the market. Much of the success stemmed from Dent's fantastic imagination, fueled by his own personal curiosity. Dent was able to use the freedom that his new-found financial security allowed him, to learn and to explore. In addition to being a wide-ranging reader, Dent also took courses in technology and the trades. He earned both his amateur radio and pilot license, passed both the electricians' and plumbers' trade exams, and was an avid mountain climber. His usual method was to learn a subject thoroughly, then move on to another. An example is boating: in the late 1930's, Dent bought a 40 foot two-masted schooner. He and his wife lived on it for several years, sailing it up and down the eastern coast of the US, then sold it in 1940. The Dents traveled extensively as well, enough to earn Lester a membership in the Explorers Club.
In 1940, the Dents returned to La Plata for good. Dent continued to write for Doc Savage, but also found time to work in the other pulp genres. His post-1941 Doc Savage work benefited from this; the later Savage novels are known for their tighter plotting, improved dialogue, and a shift towards mystery instead of super-science. Doc Savage himself begins to shed his superhuman image, and to show more fallible, human side.
Doc Savage Magazine ceased publication in 1949. Of the 181 Doc Savage novels published by Street and Smith, 179 were credited to Kenneth Robeson; and all but twenty were written by Dent. The first novel, The Man of Bronze, used the name Kenneth Roberts, but this was changed after it was discovered that there was another author named Kenneth Roberts. The March 1944 issue, "The Derelict of Skull Shoal", was accidentally credited to Lester Dent. This was the only time during the run of the magazine that Dent's real name was used. Following his tenure on Doc Savage, Dent found continuing success as a mystery and western writer. His final published story was a Western entitled "Savage Challenge", published in the February 22, 1958 issue of the Saturday Evening Post.
Dent suffered a heart attack in February 1959. He was hospitalized, but subsequently died on March 11, 1959. Dent is buried in the La Plata cemetery.
Dent appears as a character in the 2006 novel The Chinatown Death Cloud Peril by Paul Malmont. The novel describes friendship and rivalry among pulp writers of the 1930s; it also includes Walter Gibson, creator of The Shadow.
[edit] Doc Savage Novels
See the List of Doc Savage novels for a complete bibliography of Dent's most famous character.
[edit] References
"Doc Savage" by Corey Pritchard.
Farmer, Philip José (1975). Doc Savage: His Apocalyptic Life. New York: Bantam Books, p. 18-27.
"Lester Dent biography". Dale's Doc Savage Page. Retrieved on 2006-01-13.
McCarey-Laird, M. Martin. Lester Dent: The Man, His Craft, and His Market.
"Lester Dent" article. Golden Age of Detection Wiki: Lester Dent.
Server, Lee. Encyclopedia of Pulp Fiction Writers.
Goulart, Ron. The Dime Detectives.
Cannaday, Marilyn. Bigger than Life: The Creator of Doc Savage. c 1990.
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Categories: 1904 births | 1959 deaths | People from Macon County, Missouri | People from Grady County, Oklahoma | Missouri writers | Amateur radio people | Doc Savage | Pulp fiction writers | Deaths by myocardial infarction
Kenneth Robeson
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Kenneth Robeson was the house name used by Street and Smith Publications as the author of their popular character Doc Savage and later The Avenger. Many authors wrote under this name, though most Doc Savage stories were written by the author Lester Dent:
William G. Bogart
Evelyn Coulson
Harold A. Davis
Lawrence Donovan
Philip José Farmer
Alan Hathway
W. Ryerson Johnson
Will Murray
All 24 of the Avenger stories were written by Paul Ernst, using the Robeson house name. Confusingly, Robeson was credited on the cover of The Avenger magazine as "the creator of Doc Savage."
[edit] External links
Doc Savage Organized
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Categories: Writer stubs | Collective pseudonyms | Fantasy writers | Doc Savage
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